伯明翰城市大学(BCU)艺术与设计学院成功获得了Athena Swan英国部门铜奖,这一荣誉将持续至2029年。这不仅是对BCU在性别平等和多样性方面所做努力的认可,更是BCU学术实力和包容性文化的体现。 Athena Swan:全球性别平等的标杆 Athena Swan是...
Athena SWAN奖便是各所大学努力的方向之一。2014年,英国约克大学生物学院在众多高校中突破重围斩获Athena SWAN金奖。 2005年,英国高等教育调查研究机构Advance HE颁布了Athena SWAN宪章,以此来鼓励和认可那些为促进女性在STEMM(分别是science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine)高等教育和研究中获得更好职业发展...
Athena Swan Awards HandbookEquality Challenge Unit
UCC获得Athena Swan(雅典娜-斯万)奖项 3月31日,微生物学学院获得了第一个Athena Swan奖,UCC的药学院也成功更新了Athena Swan认证。 雅典娜-斯万宪章(The Athena SWAN Charter)框架支持在高等教育(HE)和研究中转变性别平等的工作。该宪章于2015年引入爱尔兰,目前正在国际上使用,因为宪章成员申请机构和部门...
Next year’s review must consider why the equality charter now views ‘gender as a spectrum’, in addition to questions of cost and effectiveness, says Lucy Hunter Blackburn
雅典娜宪章(Athena SWAN Charter )旨在促进大学中的性别平等,并帮助LGBT+员工发挥他们的才能。今年,#利兹大学#的生物科学学部获得了银奖,而社会科学学部及商学院也都获得了铜奖![加油] 栗子们,为你们的大学...
Double Athena SWAN success University of Leeds News - Double Athena SWAN success - The University’s Faculty of Engineering and School of Medicine have both achieved Bronze level in the latest round of the Athena SWAN Charter awards announced by the Equality ... L Garner - 《University of ...
So rather than sighing about its limitations, we should all rally round Athena SWAN and work hard to continuously improve its design and implementation. In doing so, we need to develop “a science of Athena SWAN” to establish what works best. We also need to raise the profile of Athena ...
Medusa was the Victim_ The Sad Story of The Cursed Priestess -希腊神话美杜莎 189 -- 2:24 App 雅典娜的出生 242 -- 2:30 App Leda and the Swan_ The Origin of Helen of Troy - 宙斯和丽达 314 -- 4:37 App Rebellion Against Zeus 反抗宙斯 417 -- 7:14 App The Incredible Story of...
UK: James Hutton Institute gets silver status from Athena Swan Charter Sep 9, 2024A Case Demonstration of the Open Health Natural Language Processing Toolkit From the National COVID-19 Cohort Collaborative and the Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery Programs for a Natural Language Processing System...