ACADEMIA UCL receives Gold Athena Swan award UNIVERSITY College London's chemical engineering department has been awarded gold status as part of the Athena Swan Charter,in recognition of its commitment to gender equality.In 2009,the UK university department was the first in chemica... TCE Group -...
With Cash on the Line, Athena SWANs Take Wing: NewsApplications for the Athena SWAN Charter for Women in Science gender equality award have soared...Gibney, Elizabeth
UK: James Hutton Institute gets silver status from Athena Swan Charter Sep 9, 2024A Case Demonstration of the Open Health Natural Language Processing Toolkit From the National COVID-19 Cohort Collaborative and the Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery Programs for a Natural Language Processing System...
Next year’s review must consider why the equality charter now views ‘gender as a spectrum’, in addition to questions of cost and effectiveness, says Lucy Hunter Blackburn
When we conducted our study, all 16 medical science departments at Oxford had joined the Athena SWAN gender equality scheme and implemented action plans to attain a silver award, on which eligibility for funding from the National Institute for Health Research depends. By contrast, no social ...
The second is the announcement in 2011 by the National Institute for Health Research to only shortlist medical schools with a 'silver' Athena SWAN award for certain research grants. This second change potentially impacts schools that are further away from silver status more than those that were ...
The article focuses on the increase in the number of applications for the Athena SWAN Charter for Women in Science gender equality award, which is a program that includes the gold award receipt School of Biological Sciences at Queen's University Belfast that saw the numbers of female lecturers ...
This article focuses on the challenges facing the Athena SWAN charter and its organizer the Equality Challenge Unit in the midst of the increase in influence and success of the charter. It discusses the decision of the Higher Education Funding Council for England to step its funding for the ...
Barnard, S. The Athena Swan Charter: Promoting Commitment to Gender Equality in Higher Education Institutions. In Gendered Success in Higher Education: Global Perspectives; White, K., O'Connor, P., Eds.; Palgrave Macmillan: London, UK, 2017; pp. 155-174....
Athena SWAN is an equality charter for universities and research institutions, managed by the Equality Challenge Unit (ECU) in the UK. This chapter discusses the evolution and development of the scheme since its inception as well as some of its successes and challenges within the neoliberal and ...