Atheism is the criticism and denial of metaphysical beliefs in god or spiritual creatures. The term “atheist” refers to someone who denies to believe in gods. Click for PDF and Google Slides worksheets.
Atheist Republic is the largest community of atheist in the world providing support and amplifying the voices of those who need protection especially in countries where people feel isolated simply for their lack of belief. Atheists are under attack in many places. If they were Christians, their ...
Theism, religion, and belief go hand-in-hand, but theism does not explicitly relate to any particular religion. That means that a person who believes in the Christian god is a theist, as so is someone who believes in the Hindu gods and someone who believes in the Muslim god. Hinduism ...
Nobody’s world view came crashing down that evening. My students and I just sat there in an odd silence, each contemplating the next step in this conversation. I suppose some of them must have been trying to decide, as I was myself, just how much we wanted to get into this? We ...
Ask a deeply religious Christian8 if he'd rather live next to a bearded Muslim that may or may not be plotting a terror attack, or an atheist that may or may not show him how to set up a wireless9 network in his house. On the scale of prejudice, atheists don't seem so bad lat...
The Muslim population in Russia is relatively young and is expected to grow. It is largely an ethnic religion and is concentrated in the nationalities of the North Caucasus and among the Tatars and Bashkirs of the Volga basin. The situation concerning Jews continues to evolve. Historically, the...
Elections have consequences, and to make sure all voters understand what hangs in the balance November 3, we at CFI have compiled this handy reminder. Our timeline recaps four years of executive orders... [ ] Share it: Read More It's time the world supported Macron on his new law (cli...
they thought that the Sonni Muslims could provide it but it failed and now they are trying with the Shia Muslims in hope that Iran carries more weight than its previous allies. The only problems here are that both sides of the Muslim world are hostile to each other – and that everyone ...
My morning means coffee. As I listen to the Keurig groan to push water through that little plastic cup, I ponder the cosmos. Then, I’m off to my room where, with the help of Lappy the laptop, I investigate the inworld of cyberspace and contemplate the secrets of the vast physical un...
ancient Egyptians, and by others that they were created by gypsy shamans. Influences from various world regions manifest themselves in Tarot’s rich symbolism. While there is much disagreement about the cards’ beginnings, historians agree that the deck we know today got its foothold in Northern ...