ATHEISM IN SOCIETY It is (or was) a crime in many locations to make the concept of atheism public. Examples include claiming that theBibleorQur’ancannot be accurate or speaking or writing that there is no god. Muslim apostasy, becoming an atheist or believing in a god other than Allah,...
Atheist Republic is the largest community of atheist in the world providing support and amplifying the voices of those who need protection especially in countries where people feel isolated simply for their lack of belief. Atheists are under attack in many places. If they were Christians, their ...
The Muslim population in Russia is relatively young and is expected to grow. It is largely an ethnic religion and is concentrated in the nationalities of the North Caucasus and among the Tatars and Bashkirs of the Volga basin. The situation concerning Jews continues to evolve. Historically, the...
Muslim Countries Call for Boycott of French Products (click to see stats) Found 4 years ago (read/view on ??? Leave us a voicemail here: ??? Support us on Patreon: ??? Join to get exclusive perks: http://bit...
But that's no comfort to those who lose their lives in the name of Muslim terrorism. I'm not as familiar as Harris is with Christian, Jewish, and Muslim history. I do know that he's absolutely correct about how the Bible in no way is divine, but purely human. The content of the...
its everyone, all the time – in practically any country in Europe. It has always been that way – but the French diluted themselves into thinking that they would dodge this bullet, by being nice, by sympathizing with terrorists in other countries, because some terror is somehow justified ?
Let us consider another scenario in light of the fact that all secular, atheistic, “non-religious” countries/nations/governments/societies premise their laws upon reward/punishment: You are driving your car with an atheist as a passenger. You come to a red light and stop. The atheist asks ...
their belief system, they anticipate an imminent grand battle—essentially Armageddon—to occur in the small Syrian town of Dabiq. The victorious Muslim forces will then proceed to conquer Constantinople, after which Jesus will descend over Damascus and kill the Antichrist in Israel. This is why ...
Intelligence trends in religious countries and secular countries Atheism, intelligence and the General Social Survey Are atheists smarter than the average bear? Atheism and the theory of multiple intelligences: *Atheism and the theory of multiple intelligences *Atheism and moral intelligence *Ath...
The percentage of people in European countries who said in 2005 that they "believe there is a God".It is difficult to quantify the number of atheists in the world. Different people interpret "atheist" and related terms differently, and it can be hard to draw boundaries between atheism, ...