美国ATCC中文官网培养基 CM加培养基 牛奶琼脂 SN Medium ATCC medium 1875 嗜盐芽孢杆菌培养基 GBS Agar Base 红假单胞菌的确定培养基 脱硫单胞菌培养基 Wolfe's Mineral Solution Trace elements solution SL-10 MPY琼脂 察氏琼脂 硫球藻培养基 Bennett改良琼脂培养基 AFPA培养基 DO Supplement -Ura...
培养基:ATCC® Medium 129: Nutrient agar/stabs/broth with 0.5% NaCl 生长条件:37 ℃, 有氧 生物安_全等级:1 模式_菌_株:否 应用:科研,生产,噬_菌_体T3和T7宿主,常用的工程宿主_菌_ _菌_株特点: ATCC -BAA-1025 Escherichia coli ,大肠埃希氏_菌_。
培养基:ATCC® Medium 129: Nutrient agar/stabs/broth with 0.5% NaClATCC® Medium 3: Nutrient agar or nutrient broth 生物安_全等级:1 模式_菌_株:否 应用:科研,生产,主要用于噬_菌_体宿主产生天冬氨酸转氨酶天冬氨酸氨基转移酶、测试细胞分选器上的气溶胶容器。
培养基: ATCC® Medium 129: Nutrient agar/stabs/broth with 0.5% NaCl 生长条件: 37 ℃, 有氧 生物安全等级: 2 模式菌株: 否 应用: 科研,生产,噬菌体宿主,肠内研究,新兴传染病研究 菌株特点: ATCC 19585 Salmonella enterica,肠炎沙门氏菌。 Nucleotide (GenBank) : L23115 Salmonella typhimurium LT2...
Medium ATCC® Medium 1: Mannitol Agar/Broth Growth Conditions Temperature: 26.0°C Name of Depositor IFO - Institute for Fermentation, Osaka Chain of Custody ATCC <<--IFO - Institute for Fermentation, Osaka<<--K. Kondo 69 References Swings J, et al. Frateuria, a new genus for "Acetobact...
With optimized medium components, 4.3 g路L鈭 1 of riboflavin was achieved in batch culture of B. subtilis PY, which was 27% enhancement compared to the host strain. Real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis indicated that the transcriptional level of ribA ...
Cultures can be maintained by the addition of fresh medium or replacement of medium. Alternatively, cultures can be established by centrifugation with subsequent resuspension at 2 X 10 exp5 viable cells/ml. Maintain cell density between 2 X 10 exp5 and 1 X 10 exp6 viable cells/ml. Preserva...
MediumATCC®Medium 2716: Todd Hewitt w/ 2% Yeast Extract Growth Conditions Temperature:37°C Atmosphere:5% CO2 Name of DepositorSB Beres References Balter S, et al. Epidemic nephritis in Nova Serrana, Brazil. Lancet. 355(9217): 1776-1780, 2000. PubMed: 10832828 ...
ATCC® Medium 129: Nutrient agar/stabs/broth with 0.5% NaCl ATCC® Medium 3: Nutrient agar or nutrient broth 生长条件: 37 ℃, 有氧 生物安全等级: 2 模式菌株: 否 应用: 科研,生产,产生卵磷脂,产生绿脓苷绿脓苷,噬菌体宿主,机会主义病原体研究,生产绿脓杆菌螯铁蛋白 菌株特点: ATCC 15692 Pseu...