(diarrheic stool of child)Depositor:NR KriegHistory:ATCC <<--NR Krieg<<--P. DekeyserBiosafety Level:2 ATCC 29428空肠弯曲杆菌Shipped:freeze-driedGrowth Conditions:ATCC medium1116: Brucella broth with 0.16% agarAlternate medium 177: Fluid thioglycollate mediumTemperature: 37.0°C Atmosphere: Microaero...
Medium ATCC® Medium 3: Nutrient agar or nutrient broth Growth Conditions Temperature: 37°C Atmosphere: Aerobic Name of Depositor NCTC Chain of Custody ATCC <-- NCTC <-- A. Felix References Sensititre™ Automated Gram Negative ID. Thermo Scientific™ Sensititre™ Systems, Trek ...
ATCC®Medium 1245: YEPD Growth Conditions Temperature:24°C to 26°C Atmosphere:Typical aerobic Name of DepositorSE Gochenaur Isolation soil, New York, USA References Gochenaur SE, Woodwell GM. The soil microfungi of a chronically irradiated oak-pine forest. Ecology 55: 1004-1016, 1974. ...
培养基: ATCC® Medium 196: Yeast malt extract agar 生长条件: 26 ℃, 有氧 生物安全等级: 1 模式菌株: 是 应用: 科研,产生红霉素,阿维菌素的糖基化反应,伊维菌素苷元的羟基化 菌株特点: ATCC11635 是糖多孢红霉菌,Saccharopolyspora erythraea Nucleotide (GenBank) : AM420293 Saccharopolyspora erythra...
MediumATCC®Medium 323: Malt agar medium Growth Conditions Temperature:20.0°C Name of DepositorRD Kehr Chain of Custody ATCC <<--RD Kehr<<--H. Butin Isolation needles of Douglas fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Wolfenbuttel, Germany References ...
培养基: ATCC® Medium 196: Yeast malt extract agar 生长条件: 26 ℃ 生物安全等级: 1 模式菌株: 是 应用: 科研,生产 菌株特点: ATCC19736 是Streptomyces canescens 参考文献: Bergey's Manual Syst. Bacteriol. 4: 2469, 1989. Shirling EB, Gottlieb D. Cooperative description of type cultures of...
KCSP.ATCC.SCRR-2011 Mouse ES Cell Basal Medium(试剂) 500ml 610.95 KCSP.ATCC.CRM-HTB-31 C-33 A; Cervical Carcinoma; Human (Homo sapiens)(试剂) 1ml 14594.61 KCSP.ATCC.CRM-TIB-161 HuT 78; Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma; Human (Homo sap(试剂) 1ml 14594.61 KCSP.ATCC.HB-103 GENOX 3.53; Hyb...
英文名称:Potato Infusion Medium (ATCC Medium 421) 运输:Cold 保存:4℃ 有效期:6 Mon. 货期:2 weeks 其他: 产品介绍: For the cultivation and maintenance of Streptomyces fradiae.收起 Order Online在线订购 订货信息 产品名称 * 申请类型 * 套数 * 推荐人 真实姓名 * 邮寄地址 * 所属单位 电子邮箱...
xy1016 0.1%蛋白胨水 250g 用于样品稀释 0.1%Peptone W xy1017 液体硫乙醇酸盐培养基(FT) 250g 用于需氧菌厌氧菌和微需氧细菌的培养 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium xy1018 SCDLP液体培养基 250g 用于化妆行业的卫生检测 Soya Casein Digest Lecithin Polysorbate Broth...
Cells grown in chemically defined medium were as capable of converting compactin to pravastatin as cells grown in complex medium.doi:10.1016/S1381-1177(00)00123-5Yulin PengArnold L DemainElsevier B.V.J.mol.catal.b EnzymPeng Y,Demain AL.Bioconversion of compactin to pravastatin by Actinomadura ...