在SAP 的 ABAP 编程语言中,`AT SELECTION-SCREEN`是一个事件处理程序,用于处理选择屏幕上的用户选择。 `AT SELECTION-SCREEN`事件在用户选择一个项目并按下回车键或者执行其他确认操作后触发。在`AT SELECTION-SCREEN`事件中,你可以编写代码来处理用户的选择,例如更新数据、执行特定的操作或者显示其他屏幕。 以下是一...
AT SELECTION-SCREEN イベントAT SELECTION-SCREENは、選択画面の処理中に発生する一連のイベント全体の基本フォームです。 実行可能プログラムまたはリンクされた論理データベースにおける標準選択画面は、INITIALIZATIONイベントおよびSTART-OF-SELECTIONイベントの間で自動的に呼び出されます。...
You should only perform very expensive checks with AT SELECTION-SCREEN if the program is then started (not every time the user presses ENTER). Here, you can read the system field SSCRFIELDS-UCOMM (provided a statement TABLES SSCRFIELDS exists). If the field has one of the values ‘ONLI’ ...
This event is raised by the dynpro event PAI of a selection screen if all the input fields of a block block of the selection screen were passed to the ABAP program. The user input can be checked in the event block. Sending a warning or an error message in the event block makes all ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Rahul, You need to update selection screen with the new values. Followed is the sample code. IT for changing fields on the screen t_dynp_flds LIKE dynpread OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. t_dynp_flds-fieldname = 'LFA1-LIFNR'. t_dynp_flds-fieldvalue...
AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR s_bwkey-low. TABLES: t130r. DATA: BEGIN OF dynpfields OCCURS 0. "Hilfsstruktur zum auslesen des INCLUDE STRUCTURE dynpread. "Feldwertes vom Dynpro bei >F4< DATA: END OF dynpfields. DATA : sy_repid LIKE sy-repid, sy_dynnr LIKE sy-dynnr. ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development I have programmed a search help into a 'Z' program using the ON VALUE REQUEST command and attached it to a material number parameter as follows: PARAMETERS p_matnr TYPE mara-matnr OBLIGATORY. AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR p_matnr. PERFORM matnr...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi GUYS. I need change value of field in screen when the user change value of other field by matchcode ( I created this matchcode) ,But the value no change. Please see my code. AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR p_sisto. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_...
3 使用at new, at first, at last, at end of的时候要注意:loop的时候不能加条件;at和endat之间不能使用loop into的working area。手动实现at new, at end of的时候,需要注意,容易出错,尤其是在at end of的时候。 4 一般情况下,更新数据库需要commit,但debug会自动commit,程序结束也会自动commit。
3 使用at new, at first, at last, at end of的时候要注意:loop的时候不能加条件;at和endat之间不能使用loop into的working area。手动实现at new, at end of的时候,需要注意,容易出错,尤其是在at end of的时候。 4 一般情况下,更新数据库需要commit,但debug会自动commit,程序结束也会自动commit。