在SAP 的 ABAP 编程语言中,`AT SELECTION-SCREEN`是一个事件处理程序,用于处理选择屏幕上的用户选择。 `AT SELECTION-SCREEN`事件在用户选择一个项目并按下回车键或者执行其他确认操作后触发。在`AT SELECTION-SCREEN`事件中,你可以编写代码来处理用户的选择,例如更新数据、执行特定的操作或者显示其他屏幕。 以下是一...
AT SELECTION-SCREEN イベントAT SELECTION-SCREENは、選択画面の処理中に発生する一連のイベント全体の基本フォームです。 実行可能プログラムまたはリンクされた論理データベースにおける標準選択画面は、INITIALIZATIONイベントおよびSTART-OF-SELECTIONイベントの間で自動的に呼び出されます。...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Rahul, You need to update selection screen with the new values. Followed is the sample code. IT for changing fields on the screen t_dynp_flds LIKE dynpread OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. t_dynp_flds-fieldname = 'LFA1-LIFNR'. t_dynp_flds-fieldvalue...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi, AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT is the selection screen event which is trigerred before the list is being displayed. It is PBO event you can say. This is triggered when the selection screen is loaded in memory before being displayed. We can change the app...
These additions allow individual evaluation of specific elements of the selection screens of the program. The information about which selection screen raised the event is in the system field sy-dynnr. Alternative 1 ... OUTPUT Effect This event is raised by the dynpro event PBO of a selection ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi guys, I have created report: TYPE-POOLS: vrm. DATA: name TYPE vrm_id, lista TYPE vrm_values, value LIKE LINE OF lista. PARAMETERS: SVRHA(10) AS LISTBOX VISIBLE LENGTH 30. AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. name = 'SVR'. value-key = '1'. value-te...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, check this code.. REPORT ZTEST_CHECK . parameters: p_sale radiobutton group g1 user-command ABC default 'X', p_mate radiobutton group g1 . parameters: p_vbeln like vbak-vbeln, p_matnr like mara-matnr. at selection-screen output. if p_sale...
AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST Go to solution Former Member 2007 Sep 17 7:13 AM 0 Kudos 258 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development anyone help me? about this code? *tables TABLES : vbak. *type-pools TYPE-POOLS : slis. *data DATA : BEGIN OF gt_table OCCURS 0, vbeln ...
MODULE status_0001 OUTPUT. LOOP AT SCREEN. IF screen-name = `USER_ROLE` AND gv_user_role <> `ADMIN`. screen-active = 0. " 隐藏用户角色字段 ELSE. screen-active = 1. " 显示用户角色字段 ENDIF. MODIFY SCREEN. ENDLOOP. ENDMODULE. 在上述代码片段中,gv_user_role 是一个全局变量,用于存储...
3 使用at new, at first, at last, at end of的时候要注意:loop的时候不能加条件;at和endat之间不能使用loop into的working area。手动实现at new, at end of的时候,需要注意,容易出错,尤其是在at end of的时候。 4 一般情况下,更新数据库需要commit,但debug会自动commit,程序结束也会自动commit。