Salesforce入门教程(中文)-002 异步(Asynchronous)Apex声明:资源链接索引至第三方,平台不作任何存储,仅提供信息检索服务,若有版权问题,请https://help.coders100.com提交工单反馈 因此,如果需要处理数千条甚至数百万条记录时,异步处理是最佳选择。 对外部web服务进行调用:调用可能需要很长时间才能处理,但在Lightning...
Monitoreo: Cuando envía su trabajo mediante la invocación del métodoSystem.enqueueJob(), el método devuelve el Id. del registro AsyncApexJob. Puede usar este Id. para identificar su trabajo y monitorear el progreso, ya sea mediante la interfaz de usuario de Salesforce en la página Traba...
resume. the following visualforce and apex examples show how to make two asynchronous callouts simultaneously by using a single continuation. the visualforce page is shown first. the visualforce page contains a button that invokes the action method startrequestsinparallel in the controlle...
Create an Apex class with a future method that accepts a List of Account IDs and updates a custom field on the Account object with the number of contacts associated to the Account. Write unit tests that achieve 100% code coverage for the class. Every hands-on challenge in this module asks...
The Salesforce Console Integration Toolkit lets you issue asynchronous calls. Asynchronous calls allow the client-side process to continue instead of waiting for a callback from the server. To issue an asynchronous call, you must include an
Create an Apex test class called ‘AccountProcessorTest’. The unit tests must cover all lines of code included in the AccountProcessor class, resulting in 100% code coverage. Run your test class at least once (via ‘Run All’ tests the Developer Console) before attempting to verify this...
Syntax von geplantem Apex Geplante Methoden – bewährte Vorgehensweisen Hinweis Lernen Sie auf Deutsch? Beginnen Sie die Aufgabe in einem Trailhead Playground in der Sprache Deutsch und verwenden Sie für die Navigation die in Klammern angegebenen Übersetzungen. Kopieren und fügen Sie nur die...
in your crm customer success stories salesforce platform back salesforce platform build and customize your agentforce and customer 360 with the salesforce platform. see all platform capabilities agentforce artificial intelligence data cloud agentforce & ai app development data security & priva...
in your crm customer success stories salesforce platform back salesforce platform build and customize your agentforce and customer 360 with the salesforce platform. see all platform capabilities agentforce artificial intelligence data cloud agentforce & ai app development data security & priva...
String orderId = ApexPages.currentPage( ).getParameters( ).get(‘orderid’); HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest( ); req.setMethod(“get”); req.setUrl(“ /WS/getOrderStatus?orderId=”+orderId); Continuation c = new Continuation(120); // max 120 seconds for...