個々の Apex 共有再適用ジョブ、Apex 一括処理ジョブ、future アノテーションのあるメソッド、または Queueable を実装するジョブを表します。このオブジェクトを使用して、組織内の Apex 一括処理を照会します。
AsyncApexJob 项目名 详细 ApexClassId 执行Job的ApexClass的Id,参照先是ApexClass CompletedDate Job完成日时 CronTriggerId 适用于ScheduledApex,取得关联的定时任务情报,参照先是CronTrigge ExtendedStatus 处理中发生一个以上的错误时,最初的简单错误可以在这里查看 JobItemsProcessed Job项目数 JobType Job种类,有效...
import getPicklistMapByObject from '@salesforce/apex/CommonUtilsController.getPicklistMapByObject'; import getPicklistMapByObjectAndField from'@salesforce/apex/CommonUtilsController.getPicklistMapByObjectAndField'; const getAllPicklist= (objectAPIName) =>{//let resultMap = new Map();returngetPick...
ApexPageInfo ApexRestApiEventLog (Beta) ApexSoapApiEventLog (Beta) ApexTestQueueItem ApexTestResult ApexTestResultLimits ApexTestRunResult ApexTestSuite ApexTrigger ApexTriggerEventLog (Beta) ApexTypeImplementor ApexUnexpectedExcpEventLog (Beta) ApiTotalUsageEventLog (Beta) AppAnalyticsQue...
Create an Apex class: Name: DailyLeadProcessor Interface: Schedulable The execute method must find the first 200 Lead records with a blank LeadSource field and update them with the LeadSource value of Dreamforce Create an Apex test class: Name: DailyLeadProcessorTest In the test class, inser...
我目前正在使用APEX数据加载器从Salesforce下载原始文件。现在我需要安排任务,这样我就不需要每天都做了。C:/Program Files (x86)/salesforce.com/data loader/bin/process.bat C:/datadownload/如何使用Task Scheduler设置此功能? 浏览0提问于2013-06-04得票数 0 1回答 选择器返回以前的值。 、、 在分派c...
Both Salesforce Bulk APIs are based on REST principles and are optimized for working with large sets of data. Use them to insert, update, upsert, or delete many records asynchronously. You submit a request and come back for the result
import getPicklistMapByObjectAndField from'@salesforce/apex/CommonUtilsController.getPicklistMapByObjectAndField'; const getAllPicklist= (objectAPIName) =>{//let resultMap = new Map();returngetPicklistMapByObject({objectName:objectAPIName}) ...
Build the future with Agentforce at TDX in San Francisco or on Salesforce+ on March 5–6. Register now. 予想時間 約45 分 トピック 学習の目的 一緒にトレイルを進みましょう スケジュール済みの Apex スケジュール済み Apex の構文 サンプルコード System.Schedule メソッドの使用...
Represents the status of an asynchronous process initiated by a REST request in Subscription Management. This object is available in API versions 57.0 to 59.0. Use AsyncOperationTracker instead of RevenueSyncOperation in API version 59.0 a