info('Waiting for action server...')self._action_client.wait_for_server()goal_msg=Fibonacci.Goal()goal_msg.order=10self.get_logger().info('Sending goal request...')self._send_goal_future=self._action_client.send_goal_async(goal_msg,feedback_callback=self.feedback_callback)self._send_...
sendAsync(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofInputStream()) .thenApply(response -> new com.webauthn4j.metadata.HttpClient.Response(response.statusCode(), response.body())) .exceptionally(e -> { throw new MDSException(e); }); ynojima marked this pull request as ready for review ...
It depends on your goals for why you want to invoke the methods asynchronously. If your goal is simply to offload the work you’re doing to another thread, so as to, for example, maintain the responsiveness of your UI thread, then sure. If your goal is to help with scalability, then ...
Got it? Send itto us. It probably looks ugly... Getting started EA Async currently supports JDK 8-10. It works with Java and Scala and should work with most JVM languages. The only requirement to use EA Async is that must be used only inside methods that returnCompletableFuture,CompletionS...
majority of cases, theValueTask<int>-basedReceiveAsync/SendAsyncmethods onSocketend up being non-allocating, regardless of whether they complete synchronously or asynchronously. A handful of types got this treatment, but only where we knew it would be impactful because the types were often used on...
ConvMessageSendRequest ConversationVendorInfo CorsWhitelistEntry Coupon CouponCodeRedemption CreditMemo CreditMemoAddressGroup CreditMemoInvApplication CreditMemoLine Crisis CronJobDetail CronTrigger CryptoProdCatgWalletGroup CspTrustedSite CurrencyType CustomBrand CustomBrandAsset CustomFieldDis...
goalrollupquery_AsyncOperations regardingobjectid_import import EntityType Import_AsyncOperations regardingobjectid_importdata importdata EntityType ImportData_AsyncOperations regardingobjectid_importfile importfile EntityType ImportFile_AsyncOperations regardingobjectid_importlog importlog EntityType ImportLog_AsyncOpera...
If someone asks something and you don’t have the answer yet, it’s good to send a message acknowledging the question and letting them know you’re looking into it. For example, when making request, provide as much upfront information as possible so your teammate has all the details they...
really cool stuff for us. If you send some information over TCP, and part of it gets lost, the protocol will automatically figure out what got lost and resend it. And when you send information, TCP makes sure that information always arrives in the correct order. But wait, there’s more...
Swift’s async/await provides two features to address this. The first one is theSendableprotocol, which marks types that can safely leave an actor: public protocol Sendable { } This protocol has no actual code; it’s simply a marker used by the compiler to determine which types are allowe...