1. 点击[开始]>[应用程序集]>[ASUS Utility]>[Firmware Restoration]>右键单击,点击[卸载] 2. 选择ASUS Wireless Router Firmware Restoration Utility,点右键选择卸载。 3. 选择[除去],点击[下一步] 4. 安装精灵会再次确认是否要完全除去所选应用程序及其所有功能,请点击[确定]。
It can help you to upload the firmware in rescue mode when your router fails to upload firmware in a normal way.Required OS: Windows XP/7/8/10/11 Notice:Rescue Mode is not the regular way to update the firmware of your router. Firmware restoration can only be used in rescue mode. For...
Notice: Rescue Mode is not the regular way to update the firmware of your router. Firmware restoration can only be used in rescue mode. We suggest you that update the firmware by downloading from either https://www.asus.com/ or from ASUSWRT.How to get the (Utility / Firmware)?
方法1: 线上检查更新 1. 电脑通过有线或无线连接路由器网络,在浏览器中输入您的路由器的LAN IP或https://asusrouter.com 2. 输入路由器管理账号和密码,点击 [登录]. 注意: 如果忘记路由器管理账号和密码,请重置路由器,可参考如何将华硕路由器恢复至原厂设置? 3. 点击Web GUI画面上方的固件版本信息. 4. ...
Under what kind of circumstances can I use Firmware Restoration? 1. When the router fails to update the firmware in a regular way. 2. The power light of your router flashes abnormally. 3. Irregular operation of your router caused by the third-party firmware....
Under what kind of circumstances can I use Firmware Restoration? 1. When the router fails to update the firmware in a regular way. 2. The power light of your router flashes abnormally. 3. Irregular operation of your router caused by the third-party firmware....
Notice: Rescue Mode is not the regular way to update the firmware of your router. Firmware restoration can only be used in rescue mode. For instruction about how to update the firmware, please refer to the support article : [Wireless Router] How to update the firmware of your router to...
1-3 開啟瀏覽器輸入您的路由器IP位址或路由器網址http://www.asusrouter.com 進入路由器登入介面。 注意:若您不知道如何進入路由器設定頁面,可參考FAQ[無線路由器] 如何進入華碩無線路由器的管理介面 1-4 輸入您的華碩路由器帳號和密碼。 1-5 點擊[登入]。
Notice: Rescue Mode is not the regular way to update the firmware of your router. Firmware restoration can only be used in rescue mode. For instruction about how to update the firmware, please refer to the support article : [Wireless Router] How to update the firmware of your router to...
What is Firmware Restoration? It can help you to upload the firmware in rescue mode when your router fails to upload firmware in a normal way. Required OS: Windows XP/7/8/10/11 Notice: Rescue Mode is not the regular way to update the firmware of your router. Firmware restoration can ...