1. 点击[开始]>[应用程序集]>[ASUS Utility]>[Firmware Restoration]>右键单击,点击[卸载] 2. 选择ASUS Wireless Router Firmware Restoration Utility,点右键选择卸载。 3. 选择[除去],点击[下一步] 4. 安装精灵会再次确认是否要完全除去所选应用程序及其所有功能,请点击[确定]。 5. 卸载完成。 常见问题 Q1...
Mac软件下载 支持系统 OS X 10.7 价格 0 下载次数 375 官方网站 访问 ASUS Firmware Restoration is a utility to upgrade/downgrade firmware version on your ASUS router. Features: 1. Upgrade/Downgrade the firmware version on your ASUS router
ASUS Firmware Restoration is a utility to upgrade/downgrade firmware version on your ASUS router. Features: 1. Upgrade/Downgrade the firmware version on your A…
These are .trx files, which must be flashed using Asus Firmware Restoration Utility (AFRU). If DD-WRT is already installed, it is not possible to use the Firmware Upgrade tab under Administration in the web interface. (That input accepts only .bin files.) The router has to be placed in...
狀況二 : 當ExpertWiFi路由器電源LED燈閃爍時 您可嘗試使用救援模式進行韌體更新,操作步驟請參考 :如何使用救援模式(Firmware Restoration)? 如何取得(Utility / Firmware)? 您可以在華碩下載中心取得最新的軟體,手冊,驅動程式和韌體。華碩下載中心 如果您需要有關華碩下載中心的更多訊息,請參考此連結...
[ASUS Utility] Windows ASUS Firmware Restoration v2.1.0.2 ...23456..10 Sprite 2018-4-9 9880463 sogoz 2024-7-14 14:14 [ASUS Extender APP] Android ASUS Extender v1. ...234 Sprite 2019-4-11 3235418 selven 2024-6-14 00:09 [ASUS Router APP] 手机端APP更新后出现的模式,有人...
依據以下步驟開啟裝置偵測(Device Discovery): • 在桌面中,點選 開始 程式集 ASUS Utility ASUS Wireless Router Device Discovery 。 注意:當您將路由器設為 Access Point 模式時,您需要使用裝 置偵測(Device Discovery)來獲得路由器的 IP 位址。 118 5.2 韌體回復(Firmware Restoration) 韌體回復 (Firmware ...
[Wireless Router] How to use Rescue Mode (Firmware Restoration) How to get the (Utility / Firmware)? You can download the latest drivers, software, firmware and user manuals in the ASUS Download Center. If you need more information about the ASUS Download Center, please refer to this link...
6. To accessthe FTP site that you created, launch a web prowser orathird-party FTP client utility and key in the ftp link (ftp://domain name.) you have previously created 3.5.2 Using Servers Center Servers Center allows you to Share the media fles from the USB diskvia a Media Server...
3. What if my Firmware upgrading fails? First, please try to restore your router and upgrade the firmware again. If it still doesn't work, you can use the Firmware Restoration Utility to help you upload the firmware in Rescue Mode. For more details could refer to [Wireless Router] How ...