1. 从华硕下载中心下载您的主板型号所对应的最新BIOS档,并将其储存在U盘中。 输入型号->点选驱动程序及工具软件。 (举例: ROG CROSSHAIR VII HERO型号) 2.点选驱动程序及工具软件->BIOS & 固件,选取需求的BIOS版本及下载(建议使用最新版本)。 步骤4:点选下载按钮后,把BIOS储存至USB随身碟,然后解压缩(Windows...
(1) Current motherboard BIOS version information. (2) When connected to the network, you can click to confirm whether there is a BIOS on the network that needs to be updated.3. Click to update BIOS online (1) Click Connect to connect to the Internet to confirm whether there is an impo...
Chipset Model BIOS Version Z790 ROG-MAXIMUS-Z790-APEX 2503 Z790 ROG-MAXIMUS-Z790-EXTREME 2503 Z790 ROG-MAXIMUS-Z790-HERO 2503 Z790 ROG-MAXIMUS-Z790-HERO-EVA-02 2503 Z790 ROG-STRIX-Z790-A-GAMING-WIFI 2503 Z790 ROG-STRIX-Z790-A-GAMING-WIFI-D4 2503 Z790 ROG-STRIX-Z790-E-GAMING...
(1) Current motherboard BIOS version information. (2) When connected to the network, you can click to confirm whether there is a BIOS on the network that needs to be updated.3. Click to update BIOS online (1) Click Connect to connect to the Internet to confirm whether there is an impo...
(1) Current motherboard BIOS version information. (2) When connected to the network, you can click to confirm whether there is a BIOS on the network that needs to be updated.3. Click to update BIOS online (1) Click Connect to connect to the Internet to confirm whether there is an impo...
(1) Current motherboard BIOS version information. (2) When connected to the network, you can click to confirm whether there is a BIOS on the network that needs to be updated.3. Click to update BIOS online (1) Click Connect to connect to the Internet to confirm whether there is an impo...
(1) Current motherboard BIOS version information. (2) When connected to the network, you can click to confirm whether there is a BIOS on the network that needs to be updated.3. Click to update BIOS online (1) Click Connect to connect to the Internet to confirm whether there is an impo...
解壓縮後,會出現.CAP檔案,此為BIOS更新檔案 步驟5:將USB 隨身碟插入主機板的USB接口 2. 更新BIOS步驟: 請依照以下步驟進入BIOS 步驟1:開機後,出現ASUS LOGO,按壓鍵盤DEL鍵 步驟2:出現BIOS畫面後,按壓鍵盤F7或是滑鼠點選Advance Mode,進入進階模式 步驟3:滑鼠點選Tool頁面,然後點選ASUS EZ Flash 3 Utilities....
(1) Current motherboard BIOS version information. (2) When connected to the network, you can click to confirm whether there is a BIOS on the network that needs to be updated.3. Click to update BIOS online (1) Click Connect to connect to the Internet to confirm whether there is an impo...
(1) Current motherboard BIOS version information. (2) When connected to the network, you can click to confirm whether there is a BIOS on the network that needs to be updated.3. Click to update BIOS online (1) Click Connect to connect to the Internet to confirm whether there is an impo...