1. 从华硕下载中心下载您的主板型号所对应的最新BIOS档,并将其储存在U盘中。 输入型号->点选驱动程序及工具软件。 (举例: ROG CROSSHAIR VII HERO型号) 2.点选驱动程序及工具软件->BIOS & 固件,选取需求的BIOS版本及下载(建议使用最新版本)。 步骤4:点选下载按钮后,把BIOS储存至USB随身碟,然后解压缩(Windows...
I emphasize that I have a problem after uploading the latest 2503 bios to my motherboard... 0 Kudos inge70 Level 13 08-16-2024 12:32 PM @topless2006 Well, did you edit your post and remove your statement that. Intel defaults doesn't support XMP? That's w...
ASUS EZ Flash 3程式讓您能輕鬆的更新BIOS版本,透過USB隨身碟存入BIOS檔案,即可透過主機板的內置UEFI BIOS工具更新 使用情境: 目前一般用戶更新BIOS的方式,通常是透過Windows BIOS更新軟體,但是有時候作業系統中毒或是大量常駐程式等不穩定因素,可能會造成BIOS更新失敗,使用ASUS EZ Flash 3可以不必進入Windows作業系統,即...
I emphasize that I have a problem after uploading the latest 2503 bios to my motherboard... 0 Kudos inge70 Level 13 08-16-2024 12:32 PM @topless2006 Well, did you edit your post and remove your statement that. Intel defaults doesn't support XMP? That's w...
I emphasize that I have a problem after uploading the latest 2503 bios to my motherboard... 0 Kudos inge70 Level 13 08-16-2024 12:32 PM @topless2006 Well, did you edit your post and remove your statement that. Intel defaults doesn't support XMP? That's wh...
If you want to know whether your motherboard can support USB BIOS FlashBack function ,you can refer to FAQ:[Motherboard] How to use USB BIOS FlashBack™? *Notice: 1. Updating BIOS may have the risk of not booting up. Please back up your data first before updating the BIOS. 2. ...
A: Starting with the BIOS updates released on May 31, 2024, for ASUS 700 & 600 series motherboards, a new "Performance Preferences" feature was introduced. This feature includes options for Intel Default Settings (Performance/Extreme) and the ASUS Advanced OC Profile. The BIOS now automatically...
A: Starting with the BIOS updates released on May 31, 2024, for ASUS 700 & 600 series motherboards, a new "Performance Preferences" feature was introduced. This feature includes options for Intel Default Settings (Performance/Extreme) and the ASUS Advanced OC Profile. The BIOS now automatically...
Note 1 : This knowledge is only applicable to have EZFlash 2 motherboard. Note 2 : Do NOT update the BIOS by yourself if it's not necessary. Update failure could lead your device not to boot/start up. Step 1. Enter the Advanced Mode Step 2. Go to the "Tool menu" Step 3. Select...
I emphasize that I have a problem after uploading the latest 2503 bios to my motherboard... 0 Kudos inge70 Level 13 08-16-2024 12:32 PM @topless2006 Well, did you edit your post and remove your statement that. Intel defaults doesn't support XMP? That's w...