主要方法: BIOS's Secure Boot menu should show Secure Boot state as "enabled" and Platform Key (PK) state as "loaded" How to disable the UEFI secure boot: Make sure the "OS Type" is "Windows UEFI" Enter "Key Management" Select "Clear Secure Boot keys" (You will have the option "In...
建议您bios中确认如下设置:Boot->Launch CSM->Enabled Security->Secure Boot Control->Disabled
BIOS's Secure Boot menu should show Secure Boot state as "enabled" and Platform Key (PK) state as "loaded" How to disable the UEFI secure boot: Make sure the "OS Type" is "Windows UEFI" Enter "Key Management" Select "Clear Secure Boot keys" (You will have the option "Install defaul...
So here are the steps to disable Secure boot in ASUS BIOS; first make sure you have a clean formatted USB I just used an old 2gb and formatted to Fat32 label it PK Keys, put it in a USB port and boot up into BIOS. Go to Boot tab page down to "Secure boot" select by hitting ...
BIOS's Secure Boot menu should show Secure Boot state as "enabled" and Platform Key (PK) state as "loaded" How to disable the UEFI secure boot: Make sure the "OS Type" is "Windows UEFI" Enter "Key Management" Select "Clear Secure Boot keys" (You will have the option "Install defaul...
1.开机的时候长按F2键进入BIOS界面,通过方向键进【Secure】菜单,通过方向键选择【Secure Boot Control】选项,将其设定为 Disabled”2.通过方向键进入【Boot】菜单,通过方向键选择【Lunch CSM】选项,将其设定为“Enabled”3.点击F10保存设置,重启电脑,开机按esc选择启动项 ...
In the Bios, in Security settings, I've added an Administrator and User password. But still "Secure Boot: Enabled" is greyed out in Asus Z97i Plus Bios, no way to edit it and disable it. I need to disable it in order to be able to dual boot into Linux. ...
In the Bios, in Security settings, I've added an Administrator and User password. But still "Secure Boot: Enabled" is greyed out in Asus Z97i Plus Bios, no way to edit it and disable it. I need to disable it in order to be able to dual boot into Linux. Thanks for...
This is reversible so no need to worry about breaking the warranty or damaging the BIOS. BIOS’s Secure Boot menu should show Secure Boot state as “enabled” and Platform Key (PK) state as “loaded” To disable the UEFI secure boot: ...
1、建议您先恢复下BIOS出厂默认设置:在开机出现ASUS画面时按F2键进入BIOS, 然后依次按下 F9 键恢复,回车,F10保存,回车,电脑会自动重新启动,恢复BIOS默认值完成。2、开机按 F2 进入BIOS,Boot---Lunch CSM---设置为 enable,Security---secure boot control---设置为disable,然后按 F10 保存退...