遇到这种情况,将Secure Boot关闭(改为Disable)即可。但有些机器BIOS中Secure Boot项是变灰的无法更改。本文讲述如何处理这种变灰的Secure Boot项。 方法一: 1、开机时按F2/Del等按键进入BIOS设置,不同的品牌机进入BIOS的方法可能不同,请用户根据自己机器的品牌按相应的按键; 2、找到OS Optimized Defaults,设置成Di...
1、开机点按F2进入BIOS中,在security选项卡中选择secure boot menu,secure boot control按Enter选择Disable,按F10保存;2、电脑重启后,点按F2进入BIOS中,在boot选项卡中选择Launch CSM,按Enter选择Enable,按F10保存;3、重新开机点按esc选择启动项,选择对应的启动方式。
1.开机未进入系统前连续敲击f2,进入bios,2.在 bios 的boot菜单下,将secure boot 改为 disabled,3.将boot list option 改为 legacy。保存后,重新开机敲击f12,即可看到设置引导选项,此时选择自己需要的启动选项即可,比如usb。
1. Power on the system and press [Delete] key to enter BIOS [Advanced Mode] as below picture 2. Click [Boot] as below picture 3. Click [Secure Boot] option as below picture 4. OS Type Default is Other OS Other OS: Secure Boot state is off Windows UEFI mode: Secure Boot state is...
Disable and Enable Secure Boot in BIOS - Lenovo Support Quick Tips 441279Views |Updated on 12/13/2024 Was this information helpful? Your feedback helps to improve the overall experience YesNo
1. Go to the Secure Boot menu in the BIOS (which I think is located in the Boot Configuration screen of the BIOS); and2. Change the OS to "Other OS".However if you want to hide the ROG logo during POST (and I am not sure why you want to do this ...) I think you need ...
1.重启按esc进入BIOS设置,然后按F7进入高级模式设置,2.进入高级模式后,按→方向键移动到Security,选择Secure Boot,然后回车进入;3.然后把Secure Boot control选enabled改为disabled关闭安全启动;4.最后,按F10保存重启即可。
1.您先修改BIOS内的这两项。Security->Secure Boot Control->Disabled Boot->Launch CSM->Enabled 2.开机按ESC键打开启动项列表,选择UEFI开头的U盘、光盘启动项,安装WIN8系统。3.如果您目前已经是GPT分区的WIN8系统,您可以在WIN8系统内运行WIN7系统安装程序,将WIN7系统安装到非WIN8系统所在的...
所以肯定就是这个原因导致我的显卡驱动一直安装不成功,那就把主板的UEFI安全启动禁用呗,然后问题就来了,因为百度禁用uefi secure boot倒是有很多答案,不过都是笔记本的,还是使用bios的年代,年代也比较久远,最近一两年的几乎没有,更别说台式机的和华硕主板的,然后打电话给华硕客服,但他们下班了。
After entering the BIOS utility, press the[F7] keyon your keyboard, or you can click on the[Advanced Mode]option on the screen①. Enter the[Boot]②screen, and then select[Secure Boot]③. After entering Secure Boot, select[OS Type]④, then adjust the setting you wish⑤. ...