The 2009 V8 Vantage is sharpened, making it a more focused and capable two-seater. This new Aston delivers a classic British elegance that will lure driving enthusiasts toward this boutique brand.
我一直希望可以收一台前期4.3升手动版本的V8 Vantage,最好是敞篷,这个想法到今天都没有改变……关于vantage,我的心里有着复杂的想法,在全新Vantage诞生之前,V8 Vantage 6MT版本(最好是敞篷)一直是我渴望收藏的跑车,在那个马丁与福特集团剪不断理还乱的年代,V12的马丁虽然有着卓越的品味与绝美的线条,但发动机性能与...
除了操作系统跟奔驰如出一辙,Vantage采用了与奔驰共同研发的V8 4.0T双涡轮增压发动机,最大功率为510马力,峰值扭矩达到685牛·米,官方0-100km/h的加速时间仅需3.6秒。即使你只选择了普通的S模式,在达到5000-6500转左右也能听到回火声,尤其开启T模式也就是所谓的赛道模式,声音更加雄浑。阿斯顿马丁的车其他...
Vantage,赛车领域的至尊珍品。天赋异禀,让驾驶者尽情释放无限激情。追求全面极限性能,不只痴迷于圈速表现,而是将其打造成让驾驶者血脉偾张的超跑典范。 最大功率ps 最高速度km/h 0-100km/hs 技术参数 工程技术和性能 由内而外精心设计,尽收各领域精华。665PS功率咆哮而出,动力比上一代增加30%,性能更加强悍。
VantageVantage namename hashas muchmuch toto live-uplive-up to,to, whichwhich isis whywhy thisthis newestnewest modelmodel makesmakes anan unwaveringunwavering commitmentcommitment toto highhigh performanceperformance inin itsits purestpurest andand ...
Vantage Vantage name name has has much much to to live-up live-up to, to, which which is is why why this this newest newest model model makes makes an an unwavering unwavering commitment commitment to to high high performance performance in in its its purest purest and and most most expli...
返回Vantage 非隔离式转向 自适应减震器 定制扭矩 稳定控制系统 车辆配置 THRILL. DRIVEN. 工程设计 将路面感觉传递到座驾的每个细微之处 采用最先进的工程设计,五项创新技术让您全面掌握路面反馈。周密规划,不断完善,带给您更多驾驶掌控感以及精准无误的判断力。每次踏上征程,您都会发现已经...
V8 Vantage 经销商指导价223.8万,一键询底价,更多车系,更多选择详见活动页面,填写表单还可享0元试驾权益~ *实车以授权经销商销售产品为准 *本活动由什么值得买为用户提供解释和咨询服务,如有疑问可咨询什么值得买客服 全新Vantage在车头方面的变化可谓脱胎换骨,用上了最新的家族式设计语言,整体风格和DB12比较接近...
Vantage Coupe Specifications Engineering Interior Exterior Engineered for real drivers. Vantage. A name ravished in racing royalty. Hardwired with the ability to get your heart racing. Forged in the fires of the limit. Not just a shrine to lap times but standing as a symbol to thrill seekers...
Vantage Coupe Specifications Engineering Interior Exterior Engineered for real drivers. The potent new Vantage. The definitive front-engine rear-wheel sports car. Exuding dynamic ability. A hand-crafted all-aluminium 4.0 litre V8 twin-turbo engine producing class-leading outputs of 665PS and 800Nm....