Vantage Roadster Vantage Coupe Vantage Coupe 技术参数 工程设计 内饰 外饰 为真正驾驶者而生。 全新强劲的Vantage。终极前置发动机、后轮驱动跑车。尽显卓越动态性能。手工打造的全铝制4.0升V8双涡轮增压发动机,功率输出高达665马力,扭矩达到800牛米,在同类产品中一骑绝尘。Vantage不仅仅是极速的象征,更是全球驾驶激情...
Remember why you first fell in love with driving with the NG Vantage. A V8 Supercar born to live on the limit to excite the racing thrill seekers.
NG Vantage est conçue pour la conduite. La vraie, celle qui fait tomber les barrières entre l’asphalte et le conducteur. Cette supercar de luxe au moteur V8 se délecte des limites de performances.
Vantage Vantage name name has has much much to to live-up live-up to, to, which which is is why why this this newest newest model model makes makes an an unwavering unwavering commitment commitment to to high high performance performance in in its its purest purest and and most most ...
Interior Forged to be the most infinitely fine. Vantage is defined by an all-new interior, brushed with flawless lines, exquisite materials, state-of-the-art connected technology and positioned perfectly for driver centricity. Leaving your ears, eyes and limbs stitched into th...
Vantage Vantage name name has has much much to to live-up live-up to, to, which which is is why why this this newest newest model model makes makes an an unwavering unwavering commitment commitment to to high high performance performance in in its its purest purest and and most most expli...
The potent new Vantage. The definitive front-engine rear-wheel sports car. Exuding dynamic ability. A handcrafted all-aluminum 4.0-liter twin-turbo V8 engine producing class-leading outputs of 656 HP and 590 lb-ft. More than simply a shrine to lap times, Vantage stands as ...
Vantage Vantage name name has has much much to to live-up live-up to, to, which which is is why why this this newest newest model model makes makes an an unwavering unwavering commitment commitment to to high high performance performance in in its its purest purest and and most most expli...
Vantage Vantage name name has has much much to to live-up live-up to, to, which which is is why why this this newest newest model model makes makes an an unwavering unwavering commitment commitment to to high high performance performance in in its its purest purest and and most mo...
The potent new Vantage. The definitive front-engine rear-wheel sports car. Exuding dynamic ability. A handcrafted all-aluminum 4.0-liter twin-turbo V8 engine producing class-leading outputs of 656 HP and 590 lb-ft. More than simply a shrine to lap times, Vantage stands as a symbol to...