How is tensile strength measured according to ASTM D638? Tensile strengthis the highest tensile stress that a specimen can reach during atensile test. This tensile strength can occur at a yield point, in which case it is referred to as tensile strength at the yield point. If the ...
Specified speed of testing varies depending on the specimen type and plastic rigidity. Note: Tensile properties determined include tensile stress (strength) at yield and at break, percentage elongation at yield or at break and modulus of elasticity. Also called ASTM method D638-84. See also ...
Designation: D638 – 10 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation D638; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number...
RefertoPracticeD4065forasummaryofvariousotherDMAaccuracyformeasuringthespecimenlengthandinstrument practices.Otherloadingmodes(suchastensile,torsionor clampingdistance. shear)mayproducedifferenttestresults.Ifanotherequipment 7.3DynamicMechanicalAnalyzer(DMA),withovenca- typeorloadingmodeisusedthenon-standardapproachshall...
conductance of a material specimen orconductance to that obtained if the electrodes had formed the of a capacitor is determined from a measurement of current oropposite sides of a square. of voltage drop under specied conditions. By using the ...
thick or greater,using Type I specimen at 20 in./min 6 10 %. For tapes or filmsless than 1.0 mm (0.04 in.) thick, determine the tensile strengthand percentage elongation at break in accordance with TestMethod D882.8.1.6 Dielectric Strengt 28、hDetermine the dielectric strengthin accordance ...
46、/cm3) and 50 mm/min (2 in./min for all others).Specimens shall conform to the dimensions given for Type IVin Test Method D638 with a thickness of 1.9 6 0.2 mm(0.075 6 0.008 in.). Specimen shall be either die cut ormachined.10.1.7 Slow Crack Growth ResistanceOne method shallbe...
(OI)8 specimen preparation method and typeAProperty test information for Positions 1 to 35、 7 are given in Section 8.BPositions 1, 2, 3, and 5 are mandated as the minimum specification properties.D5575 182Thermoplastics (Test Method D1238)ISO 1183 PlasticsMethods for Determining Density and...