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ASTM D638是塑料拉伸性能的标准试验方法。以下是其主要内容: 1. **适用范围**: - 适用于在规定的预处理、温度、湿度和试验机速度等条件下,测试未增强型和增强型塑料的标准哑铃形试样的拉伸性能。适用于厚度不超过0.55英寸(14毫米)的试验材料;对于薄片或薄膜(厚度小于1.0毫米),另有试验...
ASTM D638 塑料 拉伸 标准标准隐藏>> Designation: D 638 – 03 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics1 This standard is issued under the ?xed designation D 638; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision,...
ASTMD638 TypeI ISO527 1A W-窄平行部分的宽度 13+-0.5 10+/-0.2 L-窄平行部分的长度 57+/-0.5 80+/-2 W0-总宽度 19+6.4-0 20.0+/-0.2 L0-总长, >=165 >=150 G -标距 50+-0.25 5O.O+/-O.5 D-夹具间的初始距离 115+-5 115+/-1 R-过渡半径 76+-1 20-25 T•优先厚度(注塑试...
ASTM D638标准是美国材料和试验协会制定的一项应变拉伸试验标准,适用于测量塑料和增强塑料的力学性能。该标准规定了试验样品制备、试验条件和试验方法等方面的具体要求,以确保试验结果的准确性和可重复性。 1.试验样品制备 ASTM D638标准规定了两种不同类型的试验样品:标准试...
- ASTM D638是广泛应用于塑料拉伸性能测试的标准。它规范了测试流程,为准确评估塑料材料的拉伸强度、拉伸模量和断裂伸长率等关键性能指标提供了统一方法。 2. **适用范围** - 适用于各种类型的塑料,包括热塑性和热固性塑料,涵盖注塑、挤出等多种成型工艺得到的塑料制品。 3. **测试原理*...
Specified speed of testing varies depending on the specimen type and plastic rigidity. Note: Tensile properties determined include tensile stress (strength) at yield and at break, percentage elongation at yield or at break and modulus of elasticity. Also called ASTM method D638-84. See also ...
Designation: D638 – 10 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation D638; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number...
OPTIMISATION OF PROCESS PARAMETERS ON TENSILE STRENGTH OF 3D PRINTED POLYLACTIC ACID (PLA) PARTS: ASTM D638 TYPE -- IV Purpose: The purpose of this study is to optimize the influence of 3D printing processing parameters on the ultimate tensile strength of 3D printed Polylac... MK Akpakpavi,...