在涂层受到冲击或快速变形时,ASTM D2794-2019试验可以预测有机涂料抵抗冲击引起的开裂的能力。这对于评估涂料在动态或冲击条件下的性能非常重要,例如在制造或使用过程中可能受到破坏性冲击的情况。 该标准的试验方法采用冲击试验,通过在特定条件下对涂层试样施加冲击力,观察涂层的开裂情况。通过这种试验,可以比较不同涂层...
内容提示: Designation: D1424 − 09 (Reapproved 2019)Standard Test Method forTearing Strength of Fabrics by Falling-Pendulum(Elmendorf-Type) Apparatus 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation D1424; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption...
ASTM D6978-05(2019) (ASTM) 标准全文下载 下载积分: 3200 内容提示: Designation: D6978 − 05 (Reapproved 2019)Standard Practice forAssessment of Resistance of Medical Gloves to Permeationby Chemotherapy Drugs 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation D6978; the number immediately ...
ASTM D2019-97由美国材料与试验协会 US-ASTM 发布于 1997。ASTM D2019-97 在中国标准分类中归属于: Y31 纸浆与纸板。ASTM D2019-97 纸和纸板中杂质的标准试验方法的最新版本是哪一版?最新版本是 ASTM D2019-97(2007) 。ASTM D2019-97的历代版本如下: 1997年 ASTM D2019-97(2007) 纸和纸板中杂质的标准...
ASTM D3677-10(2019)的标准全文信息,1.1 这些测试方法涵盖橡胶鉴定,并基于热解产物(热解产物)和薄膜的红外检查。 1.2 这些测试方法适用于原始状态的橡胶,以及混炼后的硫化和未硫化状态的橡胶。 1.3 由于红外分光光度法通常使用波数(cm−1)而不是国际单位制中的频率
gage (0.025 in. or 0.63 mm) steel panels treated with aconversion coating in accordance with Procedure A of PracticeD609, unless otherwise specif i ed. Prepare a minimum of fourcoated panels for the material.N OTE 1—The coatings should be applied in accordance with PracticesD823, or as ...
ASTM D573-2019 《橡胶热空气老化试验方法标准》相关检测仪器推荐,ASTM D573-2019《橡胶热空气老化试验方法标准》 需要用什么仪器,南北潮告诉你。
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ASTM D5035-112019 D5035 11 2019 《ASTM D5035-11(2019)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《ASTM D5035-11(2019)(8页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。温馨提示: 1: 本站所有资源如无特殊说明,都需要本地电脑安装OFFICE2007和PDF阅读器。图纸软件为CAD,CAXA,PROE,UG,SolidWorks等.压缩文件请下载最新的WinRA...
described in Guide D2651, maybe used to verify cleanliness.9.6 Completely remove the release liner (if the pressure-sensitive article normally includes a release liner) from thespecimen.9.7 Bend the specimen completely back on itself, beingcareful not to crease it. The specimen forms a tear drop...