ASTM D2047 Designation: D2047 − 11Standard Test Method forStatic Coefficient of Friction of Polish-Coated FlooringSurfaces as Measured by the James Machine 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation D2047; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal ...
astm d 2047 EN KR JP ES RU DE 本专题涉及astm d 2047的标准有6条。 国际标准分类中,astm d 2047涉及到化工产品、地板处理设备。 在中国标准分类中,astm d 2047涉及到家用清洁、整容器具、木构配件。 美国材料与试验协会,关于astm d 2047的标准
ASTM D2047-11标准电子版 下载积分: 2800 内容提示: Designation: D2047 – 11Standard Test Method forStatic Coefficient of Friction of Polish-Coated FlooringSurfaces as Measured by the James Machine 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation D2047; the number immediately following the ...
ASTM D2047-17 引用标准 ASTM C1028ASTM D1436ASTM D1630ASTM D2825ASTM D4103ASTM D6205ASTM E29ASTM E456 适用范围 测试方法 D2047 建立了将地板表面静摩擦系数测量与人体运动安全相关的合规标准。该合规标准基于自 1942 年以来住宅、商业、工业和机构走道表面的大量经验数据。抛光剂和其他地板维护涂料的静摩...
ASTM D2047地板表面的静态摩擦系数测试 ASTM D2047 用杰门机测量涂擦亮剂的地板表面的静态摩擦系数的试验方法 ASTM D2047 Standard Test Method for Static Coefficient of Friction of Polish-Coated Flooring Surfaces as Measured by the James Machine
标准号:ASTM D 2047-17检测标准/方法:用杰门机对擦亮涂覆地板表面静摩擦系数的试验方法 ASTM D 2047-17检测对象:鞋材、辅料及鞋类产品检测项目/参数:防滑性百检能给您带来哪些改变? 1、检测行业全覆盖,满足不同的检测; 2、实验室全覆盖,就近分配本地化检测; 3、工程师一对一服务,让检测更精准; 4、免费初检...
摘要:ASTM D2047 Standard Test Method for Static Coefficient of Friction of Polish-Coated Flooring Surfaces as Measured by the James Machine 联系我们 安排检测 / Contact us for testing. 1.1 This laboratory test method covers the use of the James Machine for the measurement of the...
James Machine ASTM D2047 ASTM F489 Standards ASTM-D2047, ASTM F489 Product Description The James machine is specifically designed to measure the static friction coefficient of polished coated floor surfaces, and this testing method is the only one applicable to testing the compliance ...
TEST PERFORMED: STATIC COEFFICIENT of FRICTION (COF) ASTM D-2047TEST RESULTSThe James Machine was used to test both the SAFTI-TRAX™ Dome System and the SAFTI-TRAX™ Mat System Product IdentificationStatic Coefficient of Friction ValuesAverage SAFTI-TRAX™ Dome System0.740.680.780.800.70 0.630...
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