Texture Compression ASTC Platform Support:tvOS (all), iOS (A8), Android (PowerVR 6XT, Mali T600 series, Adreno 400 series, Tegra K1) 三、压缩格式的选择 前文我们了解了不同的ASTC格式的Bits Per Pixel(在本文...
ASTC格式支持RGBA,且适用于2的幂次方长宽等比尺寸和无尺寸要求的NPOT(非2的幂次方)纹理。 以ASTC 4x4 block压缩格式为例,每个像素占用1字节,8bits。一张1024*1024大小的贴图压缩后的大小为1M。 ASTC在压缩质量和容量上有很大的优势。 文档中有详细的测试数据: Using ASTC Texture Compression for Game Assetsde...
Since the dawn of the GPU, developers have been trying to cram bigger and better textures into memory. Sometimes that is accomplished with more RAM but more often it is achieved with native support for compressed texture formats. The objective of texture compression is to reduce data size, whil...
ASTC是Adaptive Scalable Texture Compression(自适应可缩放纹理压缩)的缩写,它是一种专为图形处理设计的压缩技术。以下从技术原理、应用领域、优势特点三个方面展开说明。 一、技术原理 ASTC由ARM公司开发,采用基于块(block)的压缩算法,支持多种像素格式(如RGB、RGBA)和动态位宽。其核心...
Example Compression Testing Compression Tools With the flood of mobile devices came even more urgency to use texture compression. Memory was typically shared with the CPU and thus even more of a scarce resource. In addition, mobile data networks were slow, and storage in the device was small...
窗口:GetWindow<ASTCCompressionSetter>("ASTC Compression Setter")创建一个新的窗口。 按钮:在窗口中添加一个按钮,当点击按钮时,遍历当前选中的资产(Texture),并设置其压缩格式为ASTC。 设置压缩格式:importer.textureCompression = TextureImporterCompression.ASTC_RGBA_4x4;可以设置具体的ASTC压缩格式。Unity支持多种ASTC...
The Arm® Adaptive Scalable Texture Compression (ASTC) Encoder,astcenc, is a command-line tool for compressing and decompressing images using the ASTC texture compression standard. The ASTC format The ASTC compressed data format, developed by Arm® and AMD, has been adopted as an official exte...
Texture Compression ASTC Platform Support:tvOS (all), iOS (A8), Android (PowerVR 6XT, Mali T600 series, Adreno 400 series, Tegra K1) 三、压缩比率的选择 前文我们了解了不同的ASTC格式的Bits Per Pixel(在本文中翻译为像素占用),为了更直观的感受,使用一张容易产生压缩失真的贴图进行示例。
法线贴图(Normal Map)是一种用于增强物体表面细节的技术,通过在纹理中存储法线信息来模拟凹凸效果。ASTC(Adaptive Scalable Texture Compression)是一种用于压缩纹理的图像压缩格式。 法线贴图的ASTC压缩是一种高效的纹理压缩方法,它可以在保持高质量细节的同时减小纹理的存储空间和带宽需求。ASTC压缩算法可以根据纹理的特性...
ASTC(Adaptive Scalable Texture Compression)是一种用于图形渲染的压缩算法。它是一种基于块的压缩算法,可以将纹理数据压缩到更小的尺寸,并在渲染时解压缩以保持图像质量。ASTC 是由ARM公司开发的一种高效的纹理压缩算法,被广泛应用于移动设备和游戏开发中。 ASTC 通过在纹理中使用可变大小的块来实现压缩。这些块的大...