16.2 吸收 当连续 10 天重复口服给小鼠 C 标记的 Kremezin 时,未观察到体内吸收或积累。 16.5 排泄 当C 标记的 Kremezin 以单剂量口服给小鼠时,几乎全部量在 24 小时后通过粪便排泄。 17. 临床表现 17.1 疗效和安全性研究 17.1.1. 国内 III 期试验(一般临床试验) 在保守治疗期间的566例慢性肾功能衰竭患者中...
Hidaka M, Yamasaki K, Okumura M, et al. Adsorption of irinotecan onto oral adsorbent AST-120 (Kremezin) for preventing delayed diarrhea. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 2007; 59:321-328. An important study on the use of an oral adsorbent to ameliorate irinotecan- induced diarrhoea....
部分中文AST-120处方资料(仅供参考)【中文品名】AST-120【药效类别】利尿药【通用药名】AST-120【别 名】Kremezin【化学名称】AST 120【CA登记号】[90597-58-3]【开发单位】吴羽化学【首次上市】1992年,日本【用 途】口服利尿药,用于治疗慢性肾机能不全及尿毒症。商標名KREMEZIN Capsules 200mg商標名KREMEZIN Fine...
AST-120 ,商品名KREMEZIN,适应症:慢性肾病、终末期肾病,机制:利用活性炭强吸附作用减少机体对尿毒滞留物质等的吸收查了好久的文献,今天一搜发现居然早就上市了[允悲]厉害啊
AST-120 (kremezin; Kureha Chemical, Tokyo, Japan) is an oral spherical carbonaceous adsorbent, which was approved for clinical use in Japanese chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients in 1991. It adsorbs indole, the precursor of indoxyl sulfate, in the intestines and prevents indoxyl sulfate product...
An oral adsorbent AST-120 (Kremezin) is effective in removing circulating uremic toxins from the digestive tract, and retards the progression of CRF. The administration of AST-120 combined with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or a low-proein diet has an additive effect on the ...
An oral adsorbent, AST-120 (Kremezin; Kureha Chemical Industry, Tokyo, Japan), can delay the progression of chronic renal failure in undialyzed uremic patients. The aim of the present study was to determine whether AST-120 affects carotid artery IMT and pulse wave velocity (PWV) in patients ...
Removal of uraemic toxins by AST-120 (Kremezin®) decreases the progression of chronic kidney disease by reducing oxidative stress. We performed this study to evaluate whether AST-120 has a similar effect on progression of cyclosporine (CsA)-induced renal injury.Chul Woo Yang...
Because he had complained of severe constipation and kidney function, i.e., eGFR was not improved by previous medications, we added on a minimal dosage (2 g/day) of AST-120 (Kremezin庐; ordinary dose 6 g/day). After 3 months of AST-120 therapy, eGFR was increased to 17.8 mL/min/...
The influence of oral adsorbent AST-120 (Kremezin) on the anticonvulsive effect and pharmacokinetics of zonisamide was investigated. Oral administration of zonisamide (50 mg/kg) blocked the appearance of the tonic extension induced by maximal electroshock seizure. This effect of zonisamide was ...