ALT1在肝脏、肾脏、心脏和骨骼肌中表达,在脂肪组织中也有中等水平表达。ALT2由位于16号染色体(16q12.1)上的另一个基因(GPT2)编码。ALT2 mRNA在肌肉、脂肪、肾脏和大脑中表达水平较高,在肝脏和乳房中表达水平较低。 根据现有证据,ALT1和ALT2不仅具有不同的组织来源,而且具有不同的细...
ALT1在肝脏、肾脏、心脏和骨骼肌中表达,在脂肪组织中也有中等水平表达。ALT2由位于16号染色体(16q12.1)上的另一个基因(GPT2)编码。ALT2 mRNA在肌肉、脂肪、肾脏和大脑中表达水平较高,在肝脏和乳房中表达水平较低。 根据现有证据,ALT1和ALT2不仅具有不同的组织来源,而且具有不同的细胞定位,这表明在急慢性肝病发...
(2)对于肝硬化患者,AST/ALT比值≥0.91时,90天不良结局的风险随AST/ALT比值的升高而逐渐增加,经多变量校正后,当AST/ALT比值>1.83时,90 天不良结局的风险是参考基线(AST/ALT比值≤0.91的患者)的1.85倍(图2B,table 2)。 图2: (A)基于AST/ALT...
AST/ALT Ratio Test to Detect Liver Function When Are Tests Required? Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions What does it mean when ALT and AST are high? If your AST and ALT levels are above the upper limit of normal (ULN), you are likely experiencing symptoms of abdominal pain, darkene...
早期判断慢加急性乙型肝炎肝衰竭患者的预后.%Objective To analyze the dynamic changes of serum alanine transaminase( ALT) , aspartate aminotransferase ( AST) , total bilirubin (TBil) , prothrombin time (PT) levels and their prognostic significance in acute - on - chronic hepatitis B liver failure....
术前ALT和/或AST异常患者术后ALT、AST的变化及 影响因素分析 Changes and influencing factors analysis of postoperative ALT and AST of the patients with abnormal preoperative ALT and /or AST 学位类型:临床医学硕士 所在学院:协和临床医学院 研究生:温秋萍 学科、专业:麻醉学 导师:张良成教授 研究起止...
week,TBil and PT levels increased in both groups.However,from the second week,the TBil and PT levels gradually decreased from the peak in survival group,but elevated in death group over time.Conclusion In patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure,the dynamic changes of serum ALT,AST...
摘要:目的分析ALT、AST、TBil、PT在慢加急性乙型肝炎肝衰竭患者病程中的动态变化趋势及其对预后判定的意义。方法 499例慢加急性乙型肝炎肝衰竭的患者,按临床结局分为存活组和死亡组。入院后每周检测其血清ALT、AST、TBil、PT,分析上述指 标动态变化趋势及与慢加急性乙型肝炎肝衰竭预后的关系。结果入院时两组间ALT水平...
Institute of Human Behaviourand Allied Sciences, Dilshad Garden, Delhi 110095, IndiaABSTRACTThe present study was conducted to assess correlation of ammonia levels with valproate levels in epilepticpatients presenting with valproate toxicity and also whether liver enzymes and ammonia levels could serve as...