optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin这个插件用来压缩css文件。去掉css文件中的换行和空格。optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin内置了cssnano,安装了optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin就不用在安装cssnano。 安装optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin cnpm i optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin-D 配置optimize-css-asset...
The retry strategy for chunk assets is slightly different, we will first access youroutput.publicPathin webpack and return it if it succeeds, if it fails we will switchpublicPathto the address configured by the plugin'schunkAssetsPublicpathparameter and try it one by one. If the maximum number...
解决办法: npm install assets-webpack-plugin --save-dev 更多可见assets-webpack-plugin
Optimize CSS Assets Webpack Plugin A Webpack plugin to optimize \ minimize CSS assets. ⚠️For webpack v5 or above please usecss-minimizer-webpack-plugininstead. What does the plugin do? It will search for CSS assets during the Webpack build and will optimize \ minimize the CSS (by ...
npm install assets-webpack-plugin@5.1.2 --save-dev Why Is This Useful? When working with Webpack you might want to generate your bundles with a generated hash in them (for cache busting). This plug-in outputs a json file with the paths of the generated assets so you can find them fr...
webpack官方仓库并没有推荐图片的处理工具,而是采用url-loader + file-loader作为资源处理的一般通用方案。 1.位图处理 位图资源,可以使用webpack-spritesmith插件进行处理,在webpack.config.js的plugins配置项中实例化插件并传入配置信息: newSpritesmithPlugin({//设置源icons,即icon的路径,必选项src:{cwd:__dirname...
webpack4使用optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin压缩单独的css文件 1.安装 npm install optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin --save-dev 2.使用 2.1.普通压缩 const optimizeCss = require('optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin'); plugins: [ new optimizeCss()...
Optional. webpack-assets.json by default. Name for the created json file. new AssetsPlugin({filename: 'assets.json'}) fullPath Optional. true by default. If false the output will not include the full path of the generated file. new AssetsPlugin({fullPath: false}) e.g. /public/path/...
cssProcessorOptions:传递给cssProcessor的选项,默认为 {} cssProcessorPluginOptions:传递给cssProcessor的插件选项,默认为 {} canPrint:一个布尔值,指示插件是否可以将消息打印到控制台,默认为 true webpack4.X版本中,webpack -p命令,是可以默认压缩js文件的©...
npm install assets-webpack-plugin@5.1.2 --save-dev Why Is This Useful? When working with Webpack you might want to generate your bundles with a generated hash in them (for cache busting). This plug-in outputs a json file with the paths of the generated assets so you can find them fr...