options.dynamicAssetsGlobalVariable Type: string Default:$cdn Description: The plugin needs to hook the specific logic for loading assets to a variable in window, and this parameter controls the name of that variable. options.inlineCore Type: boolean ...
Sets domain of served files. This is useful to distinguish between different build environments that will serve assets from different locations like a CDN. Serves as first half ofpublicPath Note: dev mode sets its own path based assets serving is completely controlled by webpack-dev-server. WEB...
但需要注意的是由于 CDN 服务⼀般都会给资源开启很⻓时间的缓存,例如⽤户从 CDN 上获取到了 index.html 这个⽂件后, 即使之后的发布操作把 index.html ⽂件给重新覆 盖了,但是⽤户在很⻓⼀段时间内还是运⾏的之前的版本,这会新的导致发布不能⽴即⽣效。 要避免以上问题,业界⽐较成熟的...
If you are serving your assets from a different origin (like a CDN) from where your index.html content will be served from, you can use the publicAssetURL option to specify the base URL. In pre-Embroider Ember apps, this was accomplished by configuring the fingerprint: { prepend: ... ...
('terser-webpack-plugin'); const path = require('path'); module.exports = { mode: 'production', optimization: { minimizer: [ // 压缩JS资源的 new TerserWebpackPlugin({ parallel: true, }), new OptimizeCSSAssetsPlugin({ //压缩css资源的 assetNameRegExp:/\.css$/g, cssProcessor:require(...
return options.cdn_prefix.rstrip('/') + \ this.reverse_url('fs_get', domain_id=builtin.DOMAIN_ID_SYSTEM, secret=fdoc['metadata']['secret']) @base.require_priv(builtin.PRIV_USER_PROFILE) async def get(this): ufdocs = await userfile.get_multi(owner_uid=this.user['_id']).to_lis...
output.publicPath 它会为所有打包后的资源指定一个基础路径,多用于静态资源服务器或者 CDN 托管静态资源 devServer.publicPath 挂载到服务器中间件的可访问虚拟地址 devServer.contentBase 加载这个配置下(文件夹下)的静态资源到服务器 output.path 打包产物的绝对路径,没有什么疑问。对于 output.publicPath、devServer.pu...
(options.debug)) }) ]; if(options.minified) { plugins.push(new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({ sourceMap: false, compress: { warnings: false } })); } return { entry: './index.js', devtool: options.preferredDevTool, output: { path: './dist/', filename: 'MyLib.' + options....
Default:$cdn Description: The plugin needs to hook the specific logic for loading assets to a variable in window, and this parameter controls the name of that variable. options.inlineCore Type: boolean Default: true DescriptionIs it inline to the HTML document? False generates a separate JS fi...