assessment as learning (学中测试) - educlub.ppt,Sample assessment (考核方式范例) Assessment for Learning Assessment as Learning Assessment of Learning KWL Chart Retelling Rubric Self or peer reflection Venn Diagram Comparison and Contrast Story Eleme
促进学习的评价AssessmentforLearning.PPT,體育『學習成果架構』 體育活動示例 田徑、羽毛球、籃球、獨木舟、游泳、排球、體操、基礎活動 設計目的 運用「學習成果架構」,透過學生自評及同儕互評,以推動 『促進學習的評估』。 促進學習的評估 (Assessment for Learning)
Strategies and protocols For valid and consistent judgements of student learning progression, we need to put in place strategies such as: common assessment tasks planned collaboratively shared design processes for assessment tasks and for rubrics comparing work with exemplars (e.g. assessment maps) cros...
6.Providingstudentswithexamplesofwhatwe expectfromthem. ValuesandAttitudesaboutAssessment 3typesofAssessment •AssessmentFORLearning –FormativeAssessment –Informsstudentsandteachers •AssessmentASLearning –Student’sMetacognition •AssessmentOFLearning –Summative/Final/OfficialAssessment –Evaluationofstudentsby...
Today’s Learning Targets I understand the five keys to quality assessment. I have a clear understanding of the commitment for this work for this year including meeting dates, expectations, and my role as a facilitator. I understand the process for setting up my team for success. I understand...
5、e end of a learning period, such as unit-test, mid-term-test, semester-test etc.,2. The differences between testing, assessment and evaluation,Assessment: it involves the collecting of information or evidence of a learners learning progress and achievement over a period of time for the pu...
withthewaysofteachingintheclassroomnextdoor.Everydayatschool,Hannahobservedthe studentsinherclassperform.Asshesharedpersonalstorieswithherstudents,shelistenedthoughtfullytothestoriestheytold.Shewantedtoknoweachchild’interestsandwhatthey coulddointhevariousclassroomactivitiessheorganizedforthem.Learningaboutthechildren ...
Back to AFL Tools Student Review Students review their own learning either in groups or individually. This could be done as a plenary, a mini-plenary or as an activity to help planning for future revision or the remainder of the unit. Back to AFL Tools Traffic Lights Use traffic lights as...
One view of learning progressions suggests that they are presented to students as a continuum of learning, accounting for different rates of learning (DeMeester & Jones, 2009). The rate of individual student‘s progress may vary along the learning progressions, but progressions should ultimately ...
Assessment,teachingandlearningareinextricablylinked,aseachinformstheothers.Assessmentisapowerfulprocessthatcaneitheroptimizeorinhibitlearning,dependingonhowit’sapplied.PlannedandCommunicated Assessmentforlearningshouldbebuiltintoteachers’planningasapartofeverydayclassroompractice.Learninggoals,teachingstrategiesandassessment...