评价是目标的具体化,从而保证目标更好地实现。 大概念教学最终指向的是学生能自主地解决真实世界的问题,与此相对应,斯特恩提出三种评价方式,即学习性评价(assessment for learning),目的是为学习的推进收集证据;学习的评价(assessment of learning),目的是对阶段性的学习成果进行总结;学习式评价(assessment as learning)...
所属专辑:王蔷教学法背诵 音频列表 1 Unit 15-13 课程实践中学习评估的指导方针.mp3 6 2024-08 2 Unit 15-12 assessment as learning评估及学习.mp3 2 2024-08 3 Unit 15-1 1assessment for learning为学习而评估.mp3 4 2024-08 4 Unit1 5-10 assessment of learning 学习成果评估.mp3 ...
Assessment of/ for/ as learning 42024-07 3 Comparison 22024-07 4 Summative and formative assessment 42024-07 5 Understanding assessment 12024-07 6 The role of the teacher 22024-07 7 Philosophy circle 52024-07 8 Moral learning and English 12024-07 9 Motivating students to write 62024-07 10 ...
Volante, L., Assessment of, for, and as learning within schools: Implications for transforming classroom practice (2010) Action in Teacher Education, 31 (4), pp. 66-75Volante, L. (in press). Assessment of, for, and as learning within schools: Implications for transforming classroom practice...
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING, ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING, ASSESSMENT AS LEARNING: A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKByABSTRACTAssessment and evaluation both describe a process of gather and expound of verification for some purpose. They both involve decisions about what evidence to use, the collection of the evidence in a...
“Teachers also use assessment for learning to enhance students’ motivation and commitment to learning. When teachers commit to learning as the focus of assessment, they change the classroom culture to one of student success.” Rethinking Classroom Assessment with Purpose in Mind” Page 30 Re...
【GT英语教师课堂】Assessment of, for and as Learning | TEFL Webinar | Masterclass 378播放 北京师范大学-中学英语学科教学设计(国家级精品课) 12.6万播放 《中学英语教学设计教程》由北京师范大学王蔷教授领衔主讲,全集共181讲附讲义,超级实用!! 5.5万播放 王蔷教授高中英语教学评一体化设计 3.9万播放 学科英...
assessment as learning (学中测试) - educlub.ppt,Sample assessment (考核方式范例) Assessment for Learning Assessment as Learning Assessment of Learning KWL Chart Retelling Rubric Self or peer reflection Venn Diagram Comparison and Contrast Story Eleme
1.As a part of effective teaching and learning,assessment for learning is a kind of internal and formative assessment with both teachers and their students as the assessors.学习性评价是“以促进学生发展、教师提高和改进教学实践”为目的的内部非正式评价,也是有效教学的一个有机组成部分。 2.Assessment...
Assessment for learning(促进学习的评价) Assessment as learning(作为学习的评价) Teaching assessment(促教的评价) Learning assessment(促学的评价) Researching assessment(促研的评价) 优质的教学(good teaching and learning)能够从以下三个方面吸引学生参与(involve/engage students): ...