Verify is a class, used for comparing expected and actual test results as assert class does, but when it fails it will not stop the test execution, it continues to run the test cases. In Selenium Web Driver it is achieved using Soft Assertion. Verify Elements In Selenium Web Driver 1.Few...
In TypeScript, type assertion is a mechanism which tells the compiler about the type of a variable. When TypeScript determines that the assignment is invalid, then we have an option to override the type using a type assertion. If we use a type assertion, the assignment is always valid, so...
Selenium basics Tensor Flow Create a Python Directory Tree Generator How to build a GUI application with WxPython How to read HTML table in Python How to Validated Email Address in Python with Regular Expression Introduction to bPython Introduction to PyOpenGL in Python Introduction to the pywhatkit...
import; import org.testng.annotations.AfterTest; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest; import org.testng.annotations.Test; //import; //import; ...