Simple assertion Hard and soft assertion Case 1: We go through basic assert methods to verify. Step # 1: Create a Void Class To apply assertion, we have to create a separate class “Public void” and perform assertion testing inside that class unlike other selenium properties of automation te...
Why use TestNG with Selenium? Installing and Setting up TestNG TestNG Annotations How to Write your First TestNG Test TestNG Assertions What is Parameterization in TestNG? Key Takeaways What is TestNG Framework? TestNGis an open-source test automation framework for Java. It is developed on ...
Example:Assertion error, OutOfMemoryError, etc. Exception Handling Try and Catch block: try-catch blocks are used to handle exceptions. The catch block declares the type of exceptions that are expected to come. When an exception comes in try block, and immediately control moves to catch block....
To achieve parameterization in Selenium, we can always use spreadsheet / excel files to hold data, read it in the automation script and perform read and write functions. However, loading such huge files to work with a small data set would be time-consuming as it takes considerable time to ...
functional method. While we have to write only in Javascript because of the Postman Sandbox, there exist one library which makes it easier for us to write a test which would have taken more lines of code if written in Javascript. This library is Chai Assertion Library which we will talk ...
This Tutorial Explains Various Methods To Select Check Box In Selenium With Examples. You will also learn to Select Multiple Checkboxes & Check Box in HTML.
It is a suite that allows you to write automated tests of websites and web applications, then execute them in different browsers on multiple platforms using any programming language of your choice. Here are the major components of the Selenium framework: Selenium IDE is a browser plugin that ...
Although the element is present in the DOM, it’s encapsulated within a Shadow root in Selenium and requires special handling to access it for automation testing. In this Selenium Java tutorial, we’ll delve into Shadow root elements, how they work, and, most importantly, how to handle ...
Learn how to take screenshots in Selenium using various methods, including full-page screenshots, capturing specific elements, and saving screenshots to your local drive.
Let's try to combine the above code and write code to capture the screenshot of the ToolsQA demo site homepage - import; import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType; import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import