一、断言简介 断言是对设计行为属性的描述。它使用描述性语言来描述了设计必须满足的属性。在仿真过程中,如果一个被描述的属性不是期望的那样,那么断言就将失败,或者在仿真过程中,出现了一个不该出现的属性,断言也将失败。 使用断言的原因:原有的Verilog语言是一种过程性设计语言,在硬件设计过程中不能很好...
The above figure provides an overview of the assert functionality on a MOSFET example. Theassertstatement at the bottom of the figure checks all instances of the MOSFET device modelnchforVGS>1Vand drain current larger than0.5uAfor a duration of0.1ns. In case of a violation (expres...
GTKWave showscountis0at7 ns. So why is the value4in Cocotb? That log statement confirms the simulation time is at7 ns: INFO cocotb: 7.00ns INFO cocotb.counter dut.count.value.integer=4 In fact, allcountassertions look delayed by one rising edge. However, if I useFallingEdgeto set and ...
Apparently, most simulators ignore the entire assertion statement when the assertion is turned off. This has the unfortunate consequence of not calling the randomize method. We recommend using a simple if ( randomize() ) statement to avoid this issue as well as having an assert statement in ...