The assign statement is used to assign a value to a variable. 2. always语句用于描述一个始终执行的逻辑块。 The always statement is used to describe a logic block that always executes. 3.在Verilog中,assign语句用于组合逻辑。 In Verilog, the assign statement is used for combinatorial logic. 4....
因此,assign语句满足上面的要去,因为无论何时右侧的任何输入发生变化,输出o都会更新。 // the module takes four inputs and performs a boolean// operation and assigns output to o.// the combinational logic is realized using assign statementmodulecombo(inputa,b,c,d,outputo);assigno=~((a&b)|c^...
When anassignstatement is used to assign the given net with some value, it is calledexplicitassignment. Verilog also allows an assignment to be done when the net is declared and is calledimplicitassignment. wire[1:0]a;assigna=x&y;// Explicit assignmentwire[1:0]a=x&y;// Implicit assignm...
Avoiding Assign Statements in Verilog NetlistsThe assign statement in Verilog allows two nets or ports to be connected to each other. In a netlist this occurs in one of two cases:An input port entering a module is directly connected to an output port without any logic in between:assign Monit...
当条件不互斥的时候,case和if会综合出带优先级的电路,对于case来说,如果 condition1 为真,则执行 true_statement1 ; 如果 condition1 为假,condition2 为真,则执行 true_statement2;依次类推。如果各个 condition 都不为真,则执行 default_statement 语句。后续仿真会体现上述内容。
使用Verilog描述为: // This module takes four inputs and performs a boolean // operation and assigns output to o. The combinational // logic is realized using assign statement. module combo ( input a, b, c, d, output o); assign o = ~((a & b) | c ^ d); ...
I defined an assign and case statement in my code as following: // NOT into a process assign cf_data = cf_we_n ? cf_data_in : cf_data_out; ... // State into a case statement, into a process. CM_WR_DATA: begin cf_we_n = 1'b0; i_wr = i_wr + 1; ...
2 Assign vs if statement 0 Adding and Subtracting values in Verilog 7 When exactly to use "assign" keyword and when to use "<=" operators? 0 Using <= vs =. Assignment operator in a class task 21 What is the difference between = and <= in Verilog? 1 Verilog assign statement res...
// Expression is evaluated when the statement is encountered, and assignment is postponed until the // end of the simulation time-step. In a begin-end sequential statement group, execution of the next // statement is not blocked; and will be evaluated before the assignment is complete. In ...