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Dictionary Medical Legal Financial Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> ratio aspect ratio noun Words related to aspect ratio nounthe ratio of the width to the height of a tv picture ...
J2EE uses Enterprise JavaBeans as its component model. The realization of these components by a J2EE application server can be conceptually decomposed into distinct aspects such as persistence, transaction management, security, and load balancing. However, current servers do not employ aspect-oriented ...
[56]provides secure communication in MCC between cloud users and CSPs forsmart city applications. A combination of regular re-keying and random padding is used in[57]to provide a safe and cost-effective offloading policy againsttiming attacks. A continuous model of theMarkov chainandqueuing ...
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What is a widescreen monitor’s aspect ratio? Widescreen monitors typically have an aspect ratio of 16:9, compared to the traditional 4:3 aspect ratio of most standard monitors. This wider aspect ratio provides more horizontal space and allows users to view more content on-screen at one time...
having quality-of-service (QoS) requirements driven by the dynamics of the physical environment in which they operate, the description, control, management, consultation and guarantee of QoS are very complex and challenging work, Quality of Service(QoS) is directly related to systems performance. Th...
The novel combination of the MCDM and game theory model with the reviews' context, rating, and emotion scores creates a new paradigm in sentiment analysis. Also, the proposed model is generalizable and can analyze sentiment in many fields. This is a preview of subscription content, log in via...
Operationalization of the basic model using the Grubbs outlier test Our metric provides the probability that the information associated with an aspect\(a\)in a set of customer reviews\(R\)is up-to-date by assessing the probability of occurrence of an aspect-based state change in the respective...
[13]. They extracted sentimental relationships between tweets to model those relationships using theLaplaciangraph. Furthermore, they used those relationships to classify the tweets into different sentiment categories. They developed a SANT optimization technique to achieve stable performance for various ...