CX vs. EX: Should workforce management prioritize customer experience over employee experience? Dec 11, 2024 Navigating Challenges and Avoiding Pitfalls When Evaluating Contact Center Software Nov 7, 2024 Artificial Intelligence and the business of buzzwords in the contact center industry 4 Items Data ...
Slide 2 - Agenda We will begin our presentation by giving you a brief background on Concerto, then we will examine common challenges faced by contact center managers, and how CIM technology has evolved to deal with these challenges. We will follow with a discussion of Concerto solutions and ...
Monitoring, management, and administration View chapterExplore book Cloud security issues and challenges: A survey AshishSingh,KakaliChatterjee, inJournal of Network and Computer Applications, 2017 5.1.12Security identification of the threats The most challenging issues at the time of implementation of sui...
In summary, there has been significant progress in assessing the currency of both structured and unstructured data. However, in the context of customer reviews, these approaches face challenges due to their reliance on structured data attributes or the consideration of features that are difficult to ...
Eliminate staffing challenges Is inefficient scheduling holding back your contact center's performance, especially with remote or hybrid teams? Aspect's workforce management software streamlines labor forecasting, availability matching, and schedule adherence to ensure top-tier customer service. Intra-day st...
Concerto focuses on unified contact center software and outbound dialing while Aspect concentrates on workforce management and performance analytics. Some of the challenges facing the new company include moving their customers onto Internet Protocol solutions.Bailor...
Understanding specific value of DT technology to smart port’s processes contribute to grasping potential high performance for better management in future. Further, the current challenges of performing a DT-driven management are presented, and these challenges guidance future works concerning DT ...
Zhu F, Wang Y, Chen C, Zhou J, Li L, Liu G (2021) Cross-domain recommendation: challenges, progress, and prospects. In: Zhou Z (ed.) Proceedings of the thirtieth international joint conference on artificial intelligence, IJCAI 2021, virtual event/Montreal, Canada. pp 4721–4728. https:...
20 investigated challenges of integrating social network data and emergency management to maximize information diffusion of disaster information. Zhang et al.21 explored the potential of social media in enhancing public information and warning systems for disaster management, emphasizing its role in ...
Applications and challenges of SA in real-life scenarios DipteshKanojia,AdityaJoshi, inComputational Intelligence Applications for Text and Sentiment Data Analysis, 2023 3.6Summary Applications of sentiment analysis (SA) to real-life scenarios are the last mile for SA: they make the research in SA ...