ASME BPVC Section IX焊接卷2023年版本在QW-421.1(a)引入了在线分组的条款,规定在标准表格之外可以查询网站https://pnumbers.org来获得新增加材料的分组信息,此更新采用新的技术手段保证了标志的及时性,使得新增加的材料分组信息可以及时获得,同时免去了标准文本的更新。 笔者尝试登录此网站来注册,没有注册成功。近日...
P Number Base Metal 1 Carbon Manganese Steels (four Group Numbers) 2 Not Used 3 1/2 Molybdenum or 1/2 Chromium, 1/2 Molybdenum (three Group Numbers) 4 1 1/4 Chromium, 1/2Molybdenum (two Group Numbers) 5A 2 1/4Chromium, 1 Molybdenum ...
P-Numbers BaseMetal(TypicalorExample) 1 CarbonManganeseSteels(fourGroupNumbers) 2 NotUsed 3 HalfMolybdenumorhalfChromium,halfMolybdenum(threeGroupNumbers) 4 OneandaquarterChromium,halfMolybdenum(twoGroupNumbers) 5A TwoandaquarterChromium,oneMolybdenum 5B FiveChromium,halfMolybdenumornineChromium,oneMolybdenum...
(13×13) 100) 4.3 Basic Calibration Block 4.3.1 Material of Basic Calibration Block The material from which the block is fabricated shall be of the same product form, and material specification or equivalent P-Number grouping as one of the materials being examined, P-Numbers 1,3,4 and 5 ...
ASME规范 P-Numbers分类汇总2024-04-28 江苏省ASME取证概况2024-04-28 【分析设计】ASME分析设计的要求及步骤!2024-04-28 ASME标准的内容介绍及汇总(中英文对照)2024-04-28 ASME设计原理及主要技术要求2024-04-28 阿斯米ASME(American Society of Mechanical Engineers)认证2024-04-28 GJB9001C-2017标准中关键件和...
(k)的引用 * * ASME ANDE-2015 2016版SNT-TC-1A 及CP-189 ASME第八卷第一分册 UCS-56 (1)In last paragraph of sub-para(a) last sentence added(16-2840)(2)Subparagraph(c) revised (17-2194) 16-2840:Added sentence “Section IX is the governing document for P-Numbers and Group Numbers”...
Thematerialsin Table 132arelistedin accordance withthematerialP-NumbersandGroupnumbersofASMEBPVC,SectionIX,TableQW/QB-422.(Notethatthe P-Nos.arealsolistedinMandatoryAppendixA.)Weldsofmaterialsnot includedin Table 132 shallbeheattreated in accordancewiththeWPS.AustenitizingPWHTsmaybeperformedbut are...
ASME 标准全套数据报告表格 P-4
Manufactured by , P-4 ID No. (Nameandaddress of manufacturer) 2. Manufacturedfor (Nameand address ofpurchaser) 3. Identificationof Part(s) Line Mfr’s. Identifying Manufacturers’ National Year Nameof Part Quantity No. Numbers Drawing No. CRN Board No. Built 4. Thechemicalandphysicalproperties...
as a general guide for the materials listed by P-Numbers in Section IX.It is cautioned that the preheating tempera-tures listed below do not necessarily insure satisfactory completion of the welded joint and requirements for individual materials within the P-Number listing may have preheating more ...