P-Numbers BaseMetal(TypicalorExample) 1 CarbonManganeseSteels(fourGroupNumbers) 2 NotUsed 3 HalfMolybdenumorhalfChromium,halfMolybdenum(threeGroupNumbers) 4 OneandaquarterChromium,halfMolybdenum(twoGroupNumbers) 5A TwoandaquarterChromium,oneMolybdenum 5B FiveChromium,halfMolybdenumornineChromium,oneMolybdenum...
a wide range of materials (base metals and filler metals). The base metal grouping scheme consists of the P numbers and Group Numbers. It also included the S Numbers until theywere removedfrom the ASME code in 2009. The filler metal grouping scheme consists of the F numbers and A Numbers...
Thematerialsin Table 132arelistedin accordance withthematerialP-NumbersandGroupnumbersofASMEBPVC,SectionIX,TableQW/QB-422.(Notethatthe P-Nos.arealsolistedinMandatoryAppendixA.)Weldsofmaterialsnot includedin Table 132 shallbeheattreated in accordancewiththeWPS.AustenitizingPWHTsmaybeperformedbut are...
minimum chromium content above6.0%and a thickness at the joint in excess of1⁄2in.(13mm);(b)300°F(149°C)for all other materials in these P-Numbers.R-5P-NO.6GROUP NOS.1,2,AND3 400°F(204°C)R-6P-NO.7GROUP NOS.1AND2 None R-7P-NO.8GROUP NOS.1AND2 None ...
P-Numbers Base Metal (Typical or Example) 1 Carbon Manganese Steels (four Group Numbers) 2 Not Used 3 Half Molybdenum or half Chromium, half Molybdenum (three Group Numbers) 4 One and a quarter Chromium, half Molybdenum (two Group Numbers) 5A Two and a quarter Chromium, one Molybdenum 5B...
Base metals previously assigned S-Numbers were reassigned the corresponding P-Numbers or P-Number plus Group Numbers.” Q W-420 全部重写,特别加上了以下内容: 2008 年 S-No 从 QW/QB-422 中去除, S-No 只是用于 ASME B31 压力管道规范接受的或由锅炉压力容器规范案例所选用的,但没有包括在锅炉压力...
P, F, A numbers / Group Number Essential, non-essential and supplementary essential variables SFA Specification and AWS Classification Write and Qualify a WPS Without Impact Testing Requirements Discuss Welding variable ( Joint Design, Base Material, Wall Thickness Range, Filler Metal, Position, Pre-...
P, F, A numbers / Group Number Essential, non-essential and supplementary essential variables SFA Specification and AWS Classification Write and Qualify a WPS without Impact Testing Requirements Discuss Welding variable ( Joint Design, Base Material, Wall Thickness Range, Filler Metal, Position, Pre...
Group Number in Table QW∕QB-422 as the base metal to be used in production welding 对于铁基材料,使用与产品焊接有相同P-No.和组号的母材(QW∕QB-422 表所列);或 (c) for nonferrous materials, a base metal listed with the same P- Number UNS Number in Table QW∕QB-422 as the base ...
(k)的引用 * * ASME ANDE-2015 2016版SNT-TC-1A 及CP-189 ASME第八卷第一分册 UCS-56 (1)In last paragraph of sub-para(a) last sentence added(16-2840)(2)Subparagraph(c) revised (17-2194) 16-2840:Added sentence “Section IX is the governing document for P-Numbers and Group Numbers”...