2024年美国微生物学会年会(ASM Microbe)将于2024年6月13日至17日在美国亚特兰大举行,ASM Microbe世界上最大的微生物学家聚会,也是展示最佳微生物科学的首要全球盛会。同时也是该领域唯一为您提供探索微生物学全谱的难得机会——从基础科学到转化和临床应用。美国微生物学会 (ASM) 是世界上历史最悠久、规模最大的单一...
ASM Microbe is an annual event that showcases the best microbial sciences in the world and provides a one-of-a-kind forum to explore the complete spectrum of microbiology from basic science to translation and application. At the meeting, Nikon exhibited industry-leading microscope systems for ...
Scientific presentations at ASM Microbe 2023 will be expected to transparently report a study’s scientific rigor, including but, not limited to the following: 1) experimental design; 2) methodology; 3) data collection; 4) analysis and 5) interpretation and report of results. Other key components...
Two years after the COVID-19 public health emergency began, the 2022 annual American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Microbe Conference returned to in-person attendance. ASM is one of the largest scientific professional societies with approximately 30,000 scientists and health practitioners. Its ...
2022年美国微生物学会年会(ASM Microbe)将于2022年6月9日至13日在美国华盛顿举行,ASM 是世界上最大的生命科学学会之一。这是该领域唯一一次全面探讨微生物学的会议——从基础科学到转化和临床应用。ASM 2022 是微生物学的首要会议,汇集了不同类型的科学家、临床研究人员和其他专业人士,讨论微生物学的最新进展。
Posters Hard to find. Map is backwards. No help from ASM. Confusing ! TWiMSchmidt , 2016/06/20 It'sMicrobe! Just in time for the inaugural meeting of Microbe, a meeting app that performs like a champ. Interface redesigned, content approachable, alerts cool. Well done!Copyright...
ASM Microbe returns as in-person meeting 来自 掌桥科研 喜欢 0 阅读量: 4 作者: G Gallagher 摘要: ASM Microbe has returned as an in-person conference for the first time since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. 年份: 2022 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 ...
“With presentations on more than a dozen abstracts, including the positive results from the EPIC and CARE trials, this year’s ASM Microbe meeting was a tremendous success for Achaogen and our collaborators - the CARE trial presentatio...
Dr.Wolfgang Pusch, Executive Vice President for Microbiology & Diagnostics at Bruker Daltonics, added: “At the ASM Microbe Meeting 2017 Bruker is further expanding its offering in clinical microbiology with innovative tools for impr...
NEW ORLEANS, June 1, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- At the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Microbe 2017 meeting (www.asm.org), Bruker introduces major innovations for strain typing, hospital hygiene and infection control. Figure 1: Dr....