Scientific presentations at ASM Microbe 2023 will be expected to transparently report a study’s scientific rigor, including but, not limited to the following: 1) experimental design; 2) methodology; 3) data collection; 4) analysis and 5) interpretation and report of results. Other key components...
ASM Microbe 2023 is one of the largest gatherings of microbiologists across all disciplines in the field. Hitachi High-Tech will demonstrate its rapid microbe-identification technology using the TM4000 Plus Tabletop SEM. This innovative method significantly reduces the time and steps required by the ...
15 people interested. Check out who is attending ✭ exhibiting ✭ speaking ✭ schedule & agenda ✭ reviews ✭ timing ✭ entry ticket fees. 2023 edition of ASM Microbe will be held at George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston starting on 15th
top ASM Microbe 2023 Contact Microscope Products Confocal and Multiphoton Microscopes Super-Resolution Microscopes Inverted Microscopes Upright Microscopes Polarizing Microscopes Stereo Microscopes Software Photostimulation & TIRF Light Sources Cameras Optics Accessories OEM Discontinued Products Digital Microscopes ...
top ASM Microbe 2023 Contact Microscope Products Confocal and Multiphoton Microscopes Super-Resolution Microscopes Inverted Microscopes Upright Microscopes Cell Screening High Content Imaging Slide Scanning Polarizing Microscopes Stereo Microscopes Software Photostimulation & TIRF Light Sources Cameras Optics ...
ASM Microbe 2023 is one of the largest gatherings of microbiologists across all disciplines in the field. Hitachi High-Tech will demonstrate its rapid microbe-identification technology using the TM4000 Plus Tabletop SEM. This innovative method significantly reduces the time and steps required by the ...
2023年美国微生物学会年会(ASM Microbe)将于2023年6月15日至19日在美国休斯顿举行,ASM Microbe世界上最大的微生物学家聚会,也是展示最佳微生物科学的首要全球盛会。同时也是该领域唯一为您提供探索微生物学全谱的难得机会——从基础科学到转化和临床应用。美国微生物学会 (ASM) 是世界上历史最悠久、规模最大的单一...