Asian Heritage Month Festival is partially funded by the Government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. Asian Canadian Artists in Digital Age is funded by Canada Council for the Arts Digital Strategy Fund Supporters of Asian He...
Reel Asian is excited to announce that pioneering filmmaker and the LIFT's founding Chair, Keith Lock, is the inaugural recipient of the Fire Horse Award. Lock has been making films since 1969 and is considered one of Canada's first Chinese Canadian filmmakers. Asian Heritage Month Celebrating ...
加拿大的亚洲传统月(Asian Heritage Month)落下帷幕,我鼓励大家花几分钟观看这段庆祝亚洲文化和各种表演的精彩视频,其中包括我们万锦的Sukh Thukral的表演,他也是我选区青年理事会的成员!#多元加拿大# http...
This month is Asian Heritage Month, which allows the public to learn about Asian cultures and the contributions and achievements of Canadians of Asian heritage. “Richmond has one of the largest Asian populations in Canada,” said Mayor Malcolm Brodie. “The diversity of history, philosophies, rel...
5月份是Asian Heritage Month亚洲遗产月。美国网球频道邀请来郑钦文,聊一聊中国文化。 在郑钦文眼中,因为祖国地大物博,“中国文化”在不同的地域其实也有不同的涵义。而网球又是一个如此国际化的工作环境,包括...
LiterASIAN 2020 is Here! For Asian Heritage Month Proud be part ofLiterASIAN 2020! LiterASIAN Festivalis the first of its kind within Canada, the purpose to promote and celebrate the works of Asian Canadian writers and artists through author readings, panel discussions, and workshop events. We...
Being our 20th anniversary, the eventscalendarfor Asian Heritage Month 2021 is filling up and it promises to be a great May of celebrations of Asian culture and heritage across the GTA and online for the rest of Canada and the world to celebrate Asian Heritage in Canada with us. ...
亚太裔传统月(Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month),是美国的一个传统性节日。定在每年的5月,亚太裔传统月期间,许多地方官员都要举行各种形式的联谊庆祝活动,以体现多元文化,感谢亚太裔的贡献,增进各族裔之间的相互了解。2023年5月6日,南加州中华高校校友会联盟举办的首届《联盟剧场》暨庆祝母亲节和亚太月...
Being our 20th anniversary, the events calendar for Asian Heritage Month 2021 is filling up and it promises to be a great May of celebrations of Asian culture and heritage across the GTA and online for the rest of Canada and the world to celebrate Asian Heritage in Canada with us.Join...
Asian Heritage – Edmonton May is Asian Heritage Month – but let's celebrate year-round! Welcome to Edmonton’s Asian Heritage Events May 1, 2023Uncategorized Come celebrate with us, as May = Asian Heritage Month. Better yet, let’s celebrate all year round!