The Reelworld Screen Institute is honoured to celebrate 15 years of partnership with Asian Heritage Month. Asian Heritage Month Film Festival, held in collaboration with Reelworld Film Festival, presents a curated program about families across borders. The event will feature a Shorts and Series Progr...
5月份是Asian Heritage Month亚洲遗产月。美国网球频道邀请来郑钦文,聊一聊中国文化。 在郑钦文眼中,因为祖国地大物博,“中国文化”在不同的地域其实也有不同的涵义。而网球又是一个如此国际化的工作环境,包括...
Performers present a Malaysian dance at a celebration event of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month in New York, the United States, on May 12, 2024. (Xinhua/Liu Yanan) NEW YORK, May 12 (Xinhua) -- Asian American heritage was celebrated at Flushing Town Hall in New Y...
May is Asian and Pacific Islander (API) Heritage Month and we are taking the opportunity to highlight our Asian and Pacific Islander colleagues globally.
(Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month),弘扬亚裔美国人、夏威夷原住民和太平洋诸岛后裔丰富多彩的历史和他们对国家的贡献。#拜登总统#在2024年亚太裔传统月公告中说,亚裔美国人、夏威夷原住民和太平洋诸岛后裔传统长期以来一直是我们伟大国家历史的一部分,也是我们国家灵魂的重大力量。
胡子修参议员今天(5月2日)在渥太华参议院宣布今年五月亚裔文化月(Asian Heritage Month)正式开启。 五月是亚裔文化月,这是一个承认和庆祝亚裔加拿大人在社区中的丰富历史、贡献和成就的时刻。 亚裔文化月让全体加拿大人有机会更多地了解亚裔加拿大人的许多成就和贡献,纵观我们的历史,他们为使加拿大成为大家所了解和...
The first day of May is the start of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. The month celebrates the historical and cultural contributions of Asian American and Pacific Islander people — an umbrella group which includes those with heritage or ancestry from East, Southeast, Sou...
Being our 20th anniversary, the eventscalendarfor Asian Heritage Month 2021 is filling up and it promises to be a great May of celebrations of Asian culture and heritage across the GTA and online for the rest of Canada and the world to celebrate Asian Heritage in Canada with us. ...
Happy Asian Pacific American Heritage Month! Join us to celebrate the rich cultures in the Asia Pacific region and support the families passing on their heritage language and culture to their children! Also, for families who are curious and exploring cultures around us. ...