I personally have spent lots of time releasing new Operating Systems and also Astro software for them. More details are athttps://www.openastro.net/. If you like to tinker my suggestion would be to get an ASIAIAR Pro as they are the easiest units to root and play with. The Raspberry ...
they are not as turn key as they are promoted to be. Sure they are pretty cute and can provide some results, but I'd just get off the AA bus, and hop on to a more capable and open solution that uses the same software and hardware that the components were designed with and for in...
Specifications: Application: HEQ5pro AZEQ5 AZEQ6 EQ6-R Software Compatibility: EQMOD ASCOM Connector: USB to RJ45 Cable Length: 500cm/16ft Signal: TTL Driver Support: FTDI chip with automatic installation Features: **Enhanced Control and Precision** The Skywatcher Telescopes Goto Mount Control EQ...
With Sky Safari Pro the AVX points the correct way (when connected with the AAP it shows things above the hoizon when they are unlike the AAP. With CPWI software the AVX points the correct way With Starry Night Pro Plus 8 it points the correct way The only thing I use that doesn't...
If you already have an original ASIAIR orASIAIR Pro, and you’re happy with it (and any workarounds you’ve made to extend the WiFi), I doubt you’ll feel an immediate need to upgrade right away. But if you’re a “laptop guy” like me who’s been patiently waiting and watching ...
The ZWO ASI290 MM Mini includes an ST4 port to connect the camera to your telescope mount. I’ll use this monochrome camera to guide my telescope on aSky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro mount, and power the guide camera with an ASIair WiFi camera controller. ...
Sign me up for the next ASIAIR MORE PLUS MORE PRO when it'll recognize other non-ZWO branded equipment. How dare they make a proprietary device for their own proprietary devices. Considering other companies probably have proprietary software that won’t talk with ZWO. ...
Asiair pro dither and guiding issue - posted in Astronomy Software & Computers: I have 2 scopes and 2 asiair pros. The AP’s are set up the same. I use an eq6r mount. scope 1: WO Star71 quintuplet apo (350 focal length). Asi183mc pro. Guide scope is Orio
I see that ASIAIR Pro can control my CEM60, can the Astroberry software control the mount as well? Would be really cool to be able to do most things from inside of the house. Thanks! Yep, sure can. It also supports automated meridian flip, auto park at a certain time, and a schedul...
And one "wall". Glass. Which was crazy to think the Pro wouldn't make it, but everyone said it wouldn't. So I haven't tried. I also run a 120v cord to the scope, so power is irrelevant. I have a Meade LXD55 SN. With an EQG...I don't travel with it. hahahaha I...