Then, you'll start noticing areas in need of improvement. You add in bias, darks, and flats. You can use filters to bring up nebulae and diminish light pollution. Then you wish you could make longer sub exposures to get detail from dim targets. You add in guiding. A year from now y...
In my experience, theautoguidingfeature of the ASIAIR Plus works flawlessly each and every time. Autoguiding is a non-issue for me, and the default settings always deliver excellent results. The tool is extremely easy to navigate and run. Once your guide camera is connected and you have ent...
that will automatically take care of camera cooling, focus, plate solving, PHD2 guiding calibration, and start imaging. In fact, as soon as I've clicked "Start Sequence
Celestrons CPWI 2.3.5 also works without a problem, as does Starry Night Pro Plus I have also replaced the CR-2032 button cell in the AVX mount and have tried using both the RTC and or entering the time manually, this makes no difference as the time is still wrong. What can you do...
I am using the same (but with the Asiari Plus) and got a chance to shoot last night. I am also using the ZWO 120mm guide scope with out connecting to the "phone jack". Asiair plus said it was guiding but the photos showed it wasn't. Does it really guide through the Shoestring ...
I was able to focus manually using my Baht mask (could not figure out how to use the focus tool so I just used preview), Polar align, get it guiding, and build/execute a plan. Whirlpool galaxy (a wee bit small for my scope but not too small for practice/training). ...
guiding connected using the Ethernet port on the Gemini 2. All data and command of the ASIAIR is through the ASIAIR Ethernet port via the Slate router connected using WiFi. When running the rig from the mount the Slate is set in the factory default "router" under the "more settings" side...
At center is the page for setting up the imaging camera and optics, while at right is the page for the autoguider camera and guidescope, including dithering settings. Credit: Alan Dyer With the bigger ASIAir Plus, its four power outputs can be switched on and monitored individually. With ...
as well and ask if I can send it back to them for a look it over after at least 15hours of troubleshooting that's enough for me.I actually returned to PHD2 and a laptop and got guiding of .6 so that's not the real issue it just means I am not as portable as I once was!!