ZWO 振旺光电ASIAIR Plus 3代天文盒子智能摄影设备搭配AM5相机EAF爆料人: 小小值机器人 23-11-17发布 极速发 天猫商城该商品正在促销,参加满1230-350元;最终到手价1980元/件,喜欢可入。 简明购买步骤 1 加购 当前商品1件 2 下单 实付1980元 运动户外实时好价排行 今日必买:SKECHERS 斯凯奇 三防羽绒服 L...
ZWO 振旺光电ASIAIR Plus 3代天文盒子智能摄影设备搭配AM5相机EAF爆料人: 小小值机器人 23-12-05发布 极速发 该价格商品规格:ASIAIR PLUS-32G天猫商城该商品正在促销,参加满1230-350元;最终到手价1980元/件,喜欢可入。 简明购买步骤 1 加购 当前商品1件 2 下单 实付1980元 ...
The Asiair plus 256: "The required input voltage for ASIAIR Plus is 11V~15V. Normally it is recommended to use a 12V 5A power supply with 5.5-2.1 jack. The maximum output current for each 12V port is 3A, and the total output current for the 4 ports is 6A." Does your phosphate po...
any luck? I tried my beryl on the ASI Air plus today and its not working. Well Im not doing something right and its 5 degrees f outside so its hard to troubleshoot. Im going back through this thread to see if I can figure out whats going on with my settings. « Prev Page 17...
ZWO振旺光电 逐梦星辰,探无止境,天文摄影领域引领者! 天文酷图 | 1、M31 ©Mauro Pea 设备:Ioptron Gem45+Evostar72+ZWO ASI2600Mc Pro+ZWO ASIAIR Plus 2、NGC 2237 ©汤竞 设备:ZWO ASI2600MM Pro + ZWO ASI485MC + ZWO EFW + ZWO EAF + ZWO ASIAIR Plus + Optolong SHO-3nm + SKYROVER 70...
拍摄器材:ZWO ASI2600MM Pro+Sky-Watcher Quattro 200P F4+ZWO ASI120MM Mini+ZWO ASIAIR Plus+ZWO EAF+ZWO EFW+ZWO OAG图2️⃣:庞克布鲁克斯彗星©天文摄影师:Tree拍摄器材:ZWO ASI294MM Pro+ZWO ASI120MM Mini+ZWO EFW+Sky-Watcher EQ6R Pro+SKY ROVER 102APO PRO图3️⃣:IC 434©天文摄影...
I see the app has already been re-installed. If all else fails, re-install the operating system on the AAP as an additional troubleshooting step. On the Pro this can be a bit involved. Check into the details first. On the Plus, it recovers the operating system and environment from the...
dovetail with an ASI120MM-mini in the Stellarvue 50mm guide scope and an ASI290MM-mini in the helical focuser of the ZWO OAG. The ASI183MM-PRO, ZWO EFW-8 and ZWO EAF are all hung on the 3.7" ZTA focuser. There is also a 256GB Samsung USB3.1 FIT-Plus in the second USB3.1 ...
ZWO 振旺光电ASIAIR Plus 3代天文盒子智能摄影设备搭配AM5相机EAF 降价提醒 本文收录在 户外装备 ZWO 户外装备有好价 品类榜商品 爆料是一件简单又好玩的事,动动手指就能把你认可的好价商品分享给千万值友,还能获得大量金币奖励,兑换礼品卡和值得买定制礼品!赶快行动起来吧!点击观看视频吧~ ...
ZWO 振旺光电ASIAIR Plus 3代天文盒子智能摄影设备搭配AM5相机EAF 降价提醒 本文收录在 教具文具 ZWO 爆料是一件简单又好玩的事,动动手指就能把你认可的好价商品分享给千万值友,还能获得大量金币奖励,兑换礼品卡和值得买定制礼品!赶快行动起来吧!点击观看视频吧~ ...