Spore formation or sporogenesis is a form of asexual reproduction that involves spores. Spores, from “sporā”, meaning “seed” and “genesis”, meaning “birth” or “origin”, are dormant, reproductive cells that are similar to seeds by serving as dispersal units. The spores though aren’...
Question: How did sexual reproduction evolve from asexual, unicellular organisms? Sexual reproduction: Sexual reproduction evolved from asexual reproduction about 2 billion years ago. Prior to this prokaryotes were reproducing asexually. Sexual reproduction allows organisms to have greater genetic vari...
What is asexual reproduction in prokaryotes by which one cell divides into two identical cells called? Binary fission is used to replicate what kind of cells? a. animals b. bacteria c. fungi d. protists e. plants How does the reproduction cycle in plants oc...
Asexual Reproduction:Asexual reproduction is a strategy used by prokaryotic cells. Unlike sexual reproduction which involves the input of genetic material from two parental cells, asexual reproduction involves the inheritance of genes from a single parental cell. Advantages of asexual reproduction include ...
Asexual reproduction involves the division of generally unicellular organisms by splitting or dividing into identical cells with identical copies of genetic material. Prominent examples of asexual reproduction are budding and binary fission.Answer and Explanation: ...
Give an overview of the morphology of fungi. Be sure to include both the multicellular and unicellular forms in your answer. What types of protists (and fungi) have multiple gender types? Describe the process of sexual reproduction in the ...
All living things must also reproduce in order to continue to support the species in the future. The success of reproduction determines an organism's representation in the gene pool. Answer and Explanation: When two parents are ...
Protozoan - Asexual Reproduction, Cysts, Budding: Asexual reproduction in free-living species usually involves nuclear division and the division of the cell into two identical daughter cells of equal size by binary fission. In parasitic protozoans and so