To investigate the specific mechanisms of raptorial ciliates, we collected a total of seven Haptorian ciliates, including two species from seawater and five from freshwater. Despite their large size and comparatively limited maneuverability compared to their prey, these Haptorian ciliates exhibit remarkabl...
Dinoflagellatesare unicellular photosynthetic algae that are the principal member of the phylumPyrrophyta. They exhibit three unusual properties. First, several species are luminescent and give off light when disturbed. Second, their DNA is not packed with histones, making them separate from all other...
surpassing the extent of previous studies [46,47,48]. However, their exact origin and the precise nature of relationship with ciliates remain uncertain. The presence of CABs solely at the contig level indicates that these bacteria exhibit lower abundance in comparison to...
Single-celled eukaryotes (protists) constitute a tremendously diverse group of microorganisms. These species exhibit a wide range of nutritional modes (many species possess multiple nutritional modes simultaneously) and are essential components at several trophic levels within food webs. Genetic analyses of...
and sizes, which can exist either in a naked form or be enclosed within capsids, that also exhibit diverse sizes and symmetries40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47. Among these viruses, a group that garners significant attention due to the complexity of their genomes and the size of their particles...
electron microscopy with gold-conjugated probes applied to spore suspensions post-fixation. In both species Con A, which is specific for glucose and mannose sugars, bound to both the surface of primary and secondary zoospores (the surface glycocalyx) and their cyst coats and readily induced zoo...
only 0.29% of the codon positions evolved neutrally in the pre- and post-insert parts of CO1, while 9.93% of the codon positions evolved neutrally in the CO1 insert part. Strong negative selection might have generated signal that is different from species ancestry in both protein-coding gene...
where the host only provides a spatial niche for the protist symbiont with no harm for the host, to parasitism, whereby the parasite uses host energy for its own development and reproduction, and, eventually, mutualism, where the symbiont and host are both receiving benefits from the interaction...