While [NiFe]-hydrogenases can be found in all major phyla of the prokaryota, [FeFe]-hydrogenase distribution is focused on the classes of δ-Proteobacteria, Clostridia and Thermotogae [30]. [FeFe]-hydrogenases are also identified among the eukaryota including several amitochondriate, anaerobic pro...
Surprisingly, our anomalous difference electron density maps revealed an additional Ca2+ion bound near the dimer interface between TM2, TM10 and α10, where TM10 emerges from the membrane (Fig.4c, d, f, Supplementary Fig.8,a, c). A fourth Ca2+ion site on the ER side of the membrane ...
32in th Fig. 1: The unusual O2-resistance of [FeFe]-hydrogenase CbA5H. The H-cluster of CpI and other [FeFe]-hydrogenases is irreversibly destroyed when exposed to O2. CbA5H is a rare exception, as it reversibly converted into an inactive but O2-protected state (Hinact), even in th...
No additional density for the Pan3 N termini can be observed in the reference free 2D classes of the full-length Pan2-Pan3 data. (B) 3D reconstruction of the Pan2cat-Pan3Δ(1-162) data with rigid body fitted models of Pan2-Pan3. The coloring scheme resembles that outlined in Figure...