He converted to Catholicism and, after a long period of intense self-questioning, became a Trappist monk at the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky, which, at the time, was as ascetic and demanding as any monastery of the Middle Ages. Julius Lester, Falling Pieces of the Broken Sky, 1990 Re...
2.(Ecclesiastical Terms) (in the early Christian Church) a monk adj 3.rigidly abstinent or abstemious; austere 4.(Ecclesiastical Terms) of or relating to ascetics or asceticism 5.(Ecclesiastical Terms) intensely rigorous in religious austerities ...
2.(Ecclesiastical Terms) (in the early Christian Church) a monk adj 3.rigidly abstinent or abstemious; austere 4.(Ecclesiastical Terms) of or relating to ascetics or asceticism 5.(Ecclesiastical Terms) intensely rigorous in religious austerities ...
(in the early Christian church) a monk;hermit. Synonyms:cenobite,recluse,anchorite adjective relating toasceticism,the doctrine that one can reach a high spiritual state through the practice of extreme self-denial or self-mortification. rigorously abstinent;austere: ...
1 :practicing strictself-denialas a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline anasceticmonk anasceticdiet 2 :austerein appearance, manner, or attitude asceticnoun ascetically ə-ˈse-ti-k(ə-)lē adverb Did you know?
名词复数形式:ascetics 词组短语 1、asceticdiscipline 禁欲主义纪律 2、asceticman 苦行僧 3、asceticluckywon 苦行僧luckywon 4、asceticmonks 苦行僧 5、asceticmonkish 苦行僧 6、asceticpractice 苦行修行 7、asceticmonk 苦行僧 8、asceticdefinition 苦行定义 ...
Synonyms for Ascetic practices in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Ascetic practices. 18 synonyms for asceticism: self-denial, austerity, rigour, celibacy, abstinence, self-discipline, harshness, puritanism, frugality, plainness, self-abnegation. What are sy
Definition2025 ascetic ascetic English Alternative forms ascetick(obsolete) Adjective ascetic(comparativemoreascetic,superlativemostascetic) Of or relating toascetics; characterized byrigorousself-denialorself-discipline;austere;abstinent; involving awithholdingofphysicalpleasure. ...
He converted to Catholicism and, after a long period of intense self-questioning, became a Trappist monk at the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky, which, at the time, was as ascetic and demanding as any monastery of the Middle Ages. Julius Lester, Falling Pieces of the Broken Sky, 1990 Re...
3.(in the early Christian church) a monk; hermit. adj. 4.pertaining to asceticism. 5.rigorously abstinent; austere. 6.very strict or severe in religious exercises or self-mortification. Also,as•cet′i•cal. [1640–50; < Greekaskētikós<askēt(ḗs)person practiced in an art] ...