Added a commandline to allow players to adjust dino level cap (currently defaults to 450 on official servers and disabled on unofficial servers). Unofficials can use -DestroyTamesOverLevel=X Club Ark Update Added 4 New Mini-Games "Duck Duck Jump" Mini-game "Ray Race" ...
The Argentavis is the perfect animal to tame for players looking to get around the map at a much quicker pace. Since Argentavis is a flying dino, they have higher stamina and health compared to other more well-known creatures such as the Pteranodon. While they aren’t as fast as a Pteran...
## Game.ini(推荐修改的配置) PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[7]=5 # 人物负重加点倍率1点等50点负重 PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed[7]=5 # 恐龙负重加点倍率1点等50点负重 GenericXPMultiplier=3 # 通用经验倍率 ResourceNoReplenishRadiusPlayers=0.2 # 禁止玩家附近资源刷新距离比例,数值越小半径越小 Resou...
(推荐修改的配置) PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[7]=5 # 人物负重加点倍率1点等50点负重 PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed[7]=5 # 恐龙负重加点倍率1点等50点负重 GenericXPMultiplier=3 # 通用经验倍率 ResourceNoReplenishRadiusPlayers=0.2 # 禁止玩家附近资源刷新距离比例,数值越小半径越小 ResourceNoReplenish...
[ServerSettings]下)## Game.ini(推荐修改的配置)PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[7]=5 # 人物负重加点倍率1点等50点负重 PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed[7]=5 # 恐龙负重加点倍率1点等50点负重 GenericXPMultiplier=3 # 通用经验倍率 ResourceNoReplenishRadiusPlayers=0.2 # 禁止玩家附近资源刷新距离比例,数值...
• Official Player and Dino Stats, 3x weight • 150 Max Wild Dino Level • No tribe limit • Mods: Automated Ark, Ark Additions, Custom dino levels, Cryos, Auto farm, and super spyglass(Only available on Steam server for now) • Discord: ...
MAX LEVELS Player= 175, after all ascensions, notes and chibi Wild= 150 Tamed= 224(+88 with leveling) MODS Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay) Visual Storage Cross Cluster Chat Dino Levels (Even Spread = more high level dinos) Solo Farm ...
Dino Max Level: 150. Tribes with up to 10 Players Active Admins Starter Kits All Official Maps in 1 Cluster (Centre Will be Added) **Installed Mods:** Admin Panel TG Stacking Mod Speedy Rhynio S- Dino's Super Spy Glass Gryphons Better Oviraptor Spawn Blocker Utilit...
[ServerSettings]下)## Game.ini(推荐修改的配置)PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[7]=5 # 人物负重加点倍率1点等50点负重 PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed[7]=5 # 恐龙负重加点倍率1点等50点负重 GenericXPMultiplier=3 # 通用经验倍率 ResourceNoReplenishRadiusPlayers=0.2 # 禁止玩家附近资源刷新距离比例,数值...
🦖 Max Dino Level: 150 🎓 XP: x1 🍖 Taming: x4.5 🥚 Hatching: x10 ️ Mating: x5 🍼 Maturation: x40 🪓 Harvest: x3 🌳 Resource Respawn: x5 👥 Tribe Limit: 10 💥 General Mods: - ...